Barbara Cantisano

Barbara Cantisano lives by the mantra, “Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.” Fittingly, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library FOREWORD culture principle that resonates the most with her is Every Voice Counts.  “When I joined CML as someone without a library background, my voice was heard, my experience and background were appreciated and respected” Barbara says.  

She has been with the Library for over eight years. The possibility of giving every child in our community the opportunity to be anything they want, no matter what their zip code, is what drives Barbara.  

Barbara does not have oodles of free time. However, if she’s able to read fiction for pleasure, do some gardening and work out, she’s happy. 

Like many Library employees, Barbara can’t just choose one favorite book. She does enjoy fiction that describes, in detail, wonderful places that she can travel to in her imagination.