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Surabhi Kaushik, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library volunteer, smiles with Iranian Patterson and Pam Turner.

How Charlotte Mecklenburg Library helped me shine

April 17, 2020

Thursday mornings have been the best part of my week for more than four years now. The blank white paper invited me to write with a variety of pens to choose from, steaming hot coffee, snacks and, most importantly, my fellow writers. Pam Turner, the heart and soul of this group called Write Like You Mean It, works at Main Library, and this is where my association with the Library began.

In the year 2016, I moved to Charlotte. I had been in the United States just over eleven months. The people, the culture, the accents, everything felt as fresh as the smell of earth after the first rain of the season. I was trying to fit in and find a community that fits me. Given my professional writing background, it was no surprise that the Library was one of the first places on my list to visit.

At the library, my eyes darted to the flyer about the weekly writing group, Write Like You Mean It.

Initially, I felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. Luckily, my first experience at the group put my fears to rest. I felt welcome, comfortable and felt no pressure to share my writing. Soon, I moved ahead from merely listening to the fabulous words of other writers and grew brave enough to share my words, which earned me positive feedback that encouraged me to write more.  

Enthused and motivated, I offered to volunteer for the group. This meant weekly meetings where Pam and I would discuss ideas about what prompts to use. My zeal to get creative and think out of the box doubled when Pam was supportive of my ideas and was willing to experiment with field trips and inviting guest speakers to the group. We take field trips to First Ward Park, art exhibits at Spirit Square, ride the streetcar to attend the Sensoria Festival at Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) and always return with tons of material to write about.

As my confidence grew, I became a self-appointed ambassador for Library writing programs.

I attended writing groups in other Library locations to compare notes and promote my own group. Clearly, the word spread because soon the number of participants in the group grew considerably. I participated in local writing groups outside of the Library and, when I met other writers who struck a chord with me, I invited them to be guest speakers at the Library.  I started my own fiction writing group, a monthly group where I shared tips, techniques and videos with information that continued to benefit me as a writer. I am now on the Library’s presenter showcase, which I am proud to be a part of. 

As a fresh off the boat immigrant, one of the challenges I faced was making good friends. Thanks to my writing group and my involvement in Library writing programs, I met many like-minded people. I now have a diverse and trustworthy group of friends, most of whom are writers. They have inspired me through their writing and supported me at my programs. I would love to mention all their names, but I am afraid I might forget someone. That gives you an idea of the number!

I would, however, like to mention two of my super special friends: Fandy, who also volunteered at Main library, and my writing buddy Vidya Murlidhar. These beautiful friendships have added joy to mundane days and have pulled me right back up in challenging times in my writing journey. 

My current visa status does not allow me to work in the U.S., but I can certainly volunteer. I am grateful for the opportunity to do something important and meaningful to the community. Today, I am a better writer and in a position to enable others to do so. I am able to bridge resources and talent and contribute to building a welcoming and safe writing community. Special thanks to Becca Worthington, who works at ImaginOn's Spangler Library, for her infectious enthusiasm that motivates me to explore different types of writing, the entire staff ofthe Job Help Center at Main Library, Pam Turner, De’Trice Fox, Chantez Neymoss and Christine Bretz, who have been a pillar of strength in all my writing endeavors. 

My heartfelt thanks to the Library for giving me a chance to shine by showcasing my talent and be a shining light for many others in the writing community.

Charlotte Mecklenburg West Boulevard Library

For the Love of Libraries

April 20, 2020

Since National Library Week runs from April 19 through April 25, now is a fitting time to celebrate the many ways the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library contributes to Charlotte’s community of readers and writers. Even though library branches are closed because of the coronavirus outbreak, our public library is still providing online support to area readers and writers, and the library is still participating in National Library Week.

Whenever I talk with Charlotte writers about the public library, they have stories to tell. I will focus on three whose connections with the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library have especially deep roots. One is Jeffrey Leak, whose books include Racial Myths and Masculinity in African American Literature and Visible Man: The Life of Henry Dumas. Another is my wife, Nancy Northcott. Her fiction includes The Herald of Day, the first novel in a historical fantasy trilogy, and a novella in Welcome to Outcast Station, the first in a science fiction series. Both Jeffrey and Nancy grew up in the Charlotte area, and their library connections go back to their childhoods. The third is community historian Thomas Hanchett, whose books include Sorting Out the New South City:  Race, Class and Urban Development in Charlotte, 1875-1975 and Charlotte and the Carolina Piedmont. I asked each author to send me a paragraph about their experiences with our Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.

From Jeffrey Leak:
“I have a long-standing appreciation for the public library. I grew up near what is now Northwest School of the Arts, riding my bike in the summer to the library, then on LaSalle Street, now on Beatties Ford Road. My journeys there were the result of an ultimatum from my mama: ‘if you come in my house one more time, you’ll be in till this evening.’ Tired of me running in and out, Hattie Leak told me to make up my mind. Inside or outside. Heat or AC. More times than not, I chose the former. The librarians understood my dilemma, sometimes even including me on their lunch-run to Hoyles or Mr. C’s, less than a block away. But the main thing they gave me was access to books and the encouragement to read them. African American history and culture came alive in that welcoming space. From reading there, I always wanted to travel to the northeast where figures like Benjamin E. Mays and Zora Neale Hurston had gone. These black librarians took my curiosity and interests and, like the story of Jesus and the feeding of the fish to the multitudes, multiplied them. I don’t have any data to support this claim, but I think my reading skills actually improved in those pre-teen summers. What I do know is that my education has taken me to points in the northeast, including Maine and New York City (the respective places associated with Mays and Hurston), Africa, Europe and the Caribbean. Oh the places I have been! But I’ll always know that much of what I have been blessed to experience started at the library on LaSalle.

From Nancy Northcott:
As a geek child, I didn’t fit in with my more athletic, outdoorsy neighbors. I found a haven in the Davidson Public Library. I loved to ride my bike down to Main Street, check out as many books as the bike’s basket would hold, and pedal home to start reading. Mrs. Wally, the librarian, often had recommendations ready when I walked in the door. She knew I loved science fiction, history, historical fiction, mysteries, and YA romance, and her suggestions ran the gamut. I reveled in the imaginary journeys those books provided. The library was also special to me because my father and I often went there together. Those trips were the one activity only the two of us shared. Every couple of weeks, after supper, he would ask if I wanted to go. I always jumped at the chance. You can bring home so many more books when you have a car! During those visits, I regularly read the comic strips in the back of Boys’ Life magazine. I wanted a subscription, but my mom nixed that on grounds of my not being a boy. When my dad and I went to the library, I always took the latest Boys’ Life off the shelf and read the comics in the back. He knew but never commented, so that also was just between us. I check out much less fiction than I once did, but I love having the library available for research materials.  It’s probably fair to say I wouldn’t have become a writer if the library hadn’t stimulated my imagination all those years ago.

From Tom Hanchett:
When I’m researching the history of a community, the local public library is always my first stop. I’ve used history collections in dozens of cities nationwide and I can tell you for sure that the Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room is among the best in the U.S. Arriving in Charlotte back in 1981 to research older neighborhoods for the Historic Landmarks Commission, I went directly to the original Carolina Room. It was then a single room staffed by a single person, Mary Louise Phillips. I wasn’t sure what she would make of this 26-year-old non-native, barely able to find Charlotte on a map, asking so many questions about Myers Park, Biddleville, cotton mills, land development. But she welcomed me in. The Carolina Room has been a home-base ever since.  Today I’m delighted to be finishing my term as the Carolina Room’s first Historian-in-Residence, thanks to the vision of Library CEO Lee Keesler. In partnership with fellow community historian J. Michael Moore, we’ve just debuted a how-to website of tools, tips and weblinks for researching your house or neighborhood in Charlotte  CharlotteHistoryToolkit.com.  More work I’ve done over the years, drawing on the Carolina Room, can be found at my website www.HistorySouth.org. And while you’re on the internet, check out the Carolina Room’s own rich website, www.CMstory.org.

As Jeffrey, Nancy, and Tom reveal, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library has played a significant role in these writers’ lives.  In a sense, the public library can be seen as a recurring character that plays a variety of roles in the individual stories of Charlotte’s readers and writers and a central character in the overarching narrative of Storied Charlotte.


Mark I. West is a professor of English at UNC Charlotte, where he has taught since 1984. He regularly teaches courses on children’s and young adult literature. He has written or edited 16 books, the most recent of which is Shapers of American Childhood, which he co-edited with Kathy Merlock Jackson. His articles have appeared in various national publications including The New York Times Book Review, Publishers Weekly, Americana, and British Heritage, as well as many academic journals. Before entering academia, he worked as an early childhood educator and professional puppeteer. This post originally appeared on Mark’s blog, Storied Charlotte, and is reprinted here lightly edited and with his permission.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library offers virtual and online book clubs.

Stay connected with an online book club

April 20, 2020

Book clubs are a long-standing favorite program in public libraries across the country. Avid readers look forward to gathering each month to not only discuss a book, author or article, but to make connections, form new friendships and expand their minds. So, what do you do when you're social distancing and your book club can’t meet in person? Go virtual! Charlotte Mecklenburg Library staff miss seeing you, so our book clubs are moving online to help you stay connected and share your love of reading with others.   

How do you find a topic? First, determine what it is you like. Do you enjoy graphic novels? We have a book club for you. If you are thrilled by mysteries or historical fiction, we have you covered. You might prefer to discuss contemporary fiction, explore international authors or maybe you have a desire for the Poldark series.

Book clubs are offered every week at different times of the day, so you can find one that works for your stay-at-home schedule.

How Does It Work?

Register online for the book club you want to join. Be sure to include a valid email address. Library staff will email instructions with a link to join shortly before the program is scheduled. Attendees will be muted at the beginning of the program to cut back on distracting background noises, but you can unmute yourself anytime during the discussion to join the conversation or use the chat feature to share your comments. You can also choose whether to disable your camera if you don’t want to be seen. Keep in mind some book clubs limit the number of registrants. This is to ensure everyone who attends has a quality experience.

Resources for book clubs

If you facilitate your own book club and may be looking for fresh ideas, the Library can help you with this too. NoveList, one of the Library’s many digital resources, provides reading recommendations for all ages and contains book club resources, including discussion guides, under its “Quick Links.” View the tutorial for help getting started. Library staff can also help with recommendations when you Book a Librarian for a 30-minute, one-on-one general reference session.

We know it’s challenging for many of you to facilitate your own book clubs without having access to the Library’s extensive print collection. Luckily, we have options for you through our e-book and e-audiobook platforms. hoopla currently offers 10 checkouts per month, plus a collection of “bonus borrows” that won’t count against your monthly limits – and there are no waits on this special collection. OverDrive’s “always available” collections of classics, Indie authors and other featured titles also don’t count against your OverDrive checkout limits. BiblioBoard Library offers unlimited access to its collection of North Carolina publishers and self-published authors. A library card or ONE Access ID is all you need to access any of our digital resources. If you don’t have a library card, apply online.

Visit the Library’s calendar of events for a full listing of our virtual programs. We can’t wait to see you!

Stay connected while staying home with virtual programming from the Library.

Virtual Programming from the Library - Week of 4/27/20

April 22, 2020

Did you know that you can continue to stay connected to the Library while staying home? How would you like to participate in a virtual storytime with your family or receive resume help all from the comfort of your couch? Join Charlotte Mecklenburg Library every week for a wide range of virtual programming for children, teens and adults. See a complete listing of this upcoming programming for the week of 4/27/2020 below. Click the corresponding links for more information and register for programs where applicable.

Learn more about online programming by clicking here


Sunday 4/26

International Authors Book Club for 20-30 Somethings (Virtual) - 4 p.m.   LEARN MORE

Monday 4/27

Family Storytime - 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

One-on-One Homework Help - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Online Listen and Move Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Homework Help - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Mindful Monday -12 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 12 p.m.  (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 1 p.m.  (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 2 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - General Reference – 2:30 p.m.  REGISTER

Traditional Storytelling– 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE


Tuesday 4/28              

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)    LEARN MORE

Aprendiendo Juntos en Casa – 10 a.m. (information to be emailed to prior participants)

One-on-One Homework Help - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Cuentos Virtuales en Español - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Learning Circle: The Science of Well-Being – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)   REGISTER

One-on-One Homework Help - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 12 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Creating Virtual Resumes with the Job Help Center – 1 p.m. (Teen and Adult programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 1 p.m.  (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 2 p.m.  (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - General Reference – 2:30 p.m.  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Children's Reference – 3 p.m.  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Children's Reference – 3:30 p.m.   REGISTER

WFAE Presents: Podcasting 101 – 6:30 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER


Wednesday 4/29

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

One-on-One Homework Help - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

The Personal Branding of You - 10 a.m. (Adult programming)   LEARN MORE

Online Listen and Move Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Homework Help - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 12 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 1 p.m. (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Learning Circle: Intro to HTML and CSS – 1 p.m. (Adult programming)  LEARN MORE

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 2 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - General Reference – 2:30 p.m.   REGISTER

Active Reading Basics: Learn How to Help Your Child at Home – 3 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Engage 2020: School Age Stories – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE


Thursday 4/30

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Write Like You Mean It – 10 a.m. (Adult programming)  LEARN MORE

Aprendiendo Juntos en Casa – 10 a.m. (information to be emailed to prior participants)

One-on-One Homework Help - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Cuentos Virtuales en Español - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Homework Help - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 12 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Creating Virtual Resumes with the Job Help Center – 1 p.m. (Adult and Teen programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 1 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Active Reading Mentor Training – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 2 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - General Reference – 2:30 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Children's Reference – 3 p.m.   REGISTER

Tips for Virtual Interviews - 3 p.m. (Adult programming)   REGISTER

Book Talk: Children's - 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Children's Reference – 3:30 p.m.   REGISTER

Poldark Book Club - 6 p.m. (Adult programming)   LEARN MORE

Books on Tap Book Club – 7 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER


Friday 5/1

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

One-on-One Homework Help - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Baby Storytime - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Homework Help - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 12 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 1 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 2 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - General Reference – 2:30 p.m.   REGISTER


Saturday 5/2

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and the  Mecklenburg County Public Health Department encourage residents to stay home, stay healthy and stay connected.

Mecklenburg County urges residents to stay home

April 23, 2020

The current COVID-19 or coronavirus pandemic has caused increased anxiety for many residents of Mecklenburg County. Mixed messages from the media paired with conspiracy theories and other misinformation have also made it hard for many to determine fact from fiction. For information on COVID-19, please click here.


One message Mecklenburg County officials want to make clear is that Mecklenburg County is under a Stay at Home Order, which was extended to May 8, 2020 by North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper on Thursday, April 23, 2020. This order mandates that residents stay home unless they are considered essential workers or need to make essential trips to the doctor or hospital, to the pharmacy for medical needs, or to secure food and beverage items at grocery stores and local restaurants. Residents are also permitted to go outside to walk their pets, get exercise and a few other activities listed on this list of “Stay at Home Order Do’s and Don’ts.”

In addition to social distancing precautions, the county has plans to increase access to testing in vulnerable communities (e.g., mobile and pop-up testing), track and monitor data to better understand disparities and to spread key messages and up-to-date information.

Mecklenburg County Deputy Health Director, Raynard Washington, also wants to clear up misconceptions regarding the populations most vulnerable for contracting COVID-19. It is important for residents to understand that everyone is at risk for contracting the virus. While there is no evidence suggesting genetic differences impact the spread of the disease, COVID-19 disproportionately affects the African American community due to greater employment in essential, customer-facing jobs,  higher rates and earlier onset of underlying chronic health conditions and longstanding gaps in access to health care and other resources.

To learn more about COVID-19 from Mecklenburg County, please visit MeckNC.gov/COVID-19.

Below, you will find links to educational and informational tools you can use to raise awareness for yourself or others in your social network. To learn more about staying connected to Charlotte Mecklenburg Library digital and online resources, click here.

Mecklenburg County COVID-19 Resources:

These are the top 5 movies Charlotte Mecklenburg Library customers are streaming on Kanopy in April 2020.

Now streaming: Top 5 movies on Kanopy by Library customers

April 24, 2020

Did you know Kanopy has a vast array of independent films, documentaries, children’s movies and free access to the Great Courses? It’s true and free with your library card! There is something on Kanopy for the whole family.

Learn more about Kanopy  and checkout limits here. Need a library card? Sign up here

Here are the top five movies streamed on Kanopy by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library users.

1. Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus (2009) - When a bus driver takes a break from his route, a very unlikely volunteer springs up to take his place -- a pigeon! But you've never met one like this before. Run time: 8 minutes

2. Lady Bird (2017) - Directed by Greta Gerwig and nominated for five Oscars, Lady Bird is a warm, affecting comedy about a high schooler (Saoirse Ronan) who must navigate a loving but turbulent relationship with her strong-willed mother (Laurie Metcalf) over the course of her eventful and poignant senior year of high school. Rated R. Run time: 94 minutes

3. Midsommar (2019) - An American couple, their relationship floundering, travel to a fabled Swedish midsummer festival where they become trapped in a sinister nightmare. Rated R. Run time: 148 minutes

4. Creepy Carrots (2013) - In this hilarious picture book, The Twilight Zone comes to the carrot patch as a rabbit fears his favorite treats are out to get him. Run time: 10 minutes

5. I’m Brave (2015) - Come visit the firehouse and discover all the tools that firetrucks need to do their jobs and what it takes to be brave. Run time: 9 minutes


May is small business month

April 27, 2020

The City of Charlotte has declared May 2020 as Small Business Month and, this year, the Library is partnering with the City of Charlotte and its small business resource partners to celebrate 31 Days of Small Business.

Each year, the Small Business Administration (SBA) designates the first week in May (May 3-9) as the SBA National Small Business Week, but, here in Charlotte, we will celebrate all month long! We recognize the entrepreneurial spirit of our community and honor all small businesses and entrepreneurs that play a pivotal role in strengthening our local economy.

The Library offers many resources that entrepreneurs and small business owners can access for free. Find the information you need here:

SimplyAnalytics - SimplyMap is a web-based mapping application that enables you to quickly create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using powerful demographic, business and marketing data.

Gale Business: Entrepreneurship - Covers all major areas of starting and operating a business, including financing, management, marketing, human resources, franchising, accounting, taxes and more. Gale Business: Entreneurship is an easy-to-browse interface mapped to four key stages - plan, fund, start and manage. It includes access to 700+ business plans with new plans added monthly. This resource also includes a collection of business eBooks, journals, magazines and directories listing thousands of associations and consultants.

Gale Business: Plan Builder - This step-by-step planning tool can be used for starting, managing and optimizing a business. The Gale Business: Plan Builder program's intuitive dashboard walks users through five areas of exploration; etrepreneur profile, business ideation, break-even analysis, business plans and financial projections. These tools help develop a comprehensive plan for any business or nonprofit.

Business Shelf on OverDrive – OverDrive is a collection of e-books and digital audiobooks offered by the library. Within OverDrive, we have a designated Business Shelf where you’ll find information ranging from business to entrepreneurialism to job-related topics. E-books and audiobooks can be downloaded to your computer, tablet, (including Kindle), or mobile device.

The Library also offers programs and events throughout the system on small business topics. For more information, click here for the calendar. 

To stay connected to all the highlights and happenings, celebrate with the City of Charlotte all month long using the hashtags #31DaysofBiz and #CLTMonthofBiz. Click here for more information: https://charlottebusinessresources.com/about-us/small-business-month/

Stay connected while staying home with virtual programming from the Library.

Virtual Programming from the Library - Week of 5/4/20

April 28, 2020

Did you know that you can continue to stay connected to the Library while staying home? How would you like to participate in a virtual storytime with your family or receive resume help all from the comfort of your couch? Join Charlotte Mecklenburg Library every week for a wide range of virtual programming for children, teens and adults. See a complete listing of this upcoming programming for the week of 5/4/2020 below. Click the corresponding links for more information and register for programs where applicable.

Learn more about online programming by clicking here

Sunday 5/3

International Authors Book Club for 20-30 Somethings (Virtual) - 4 p.m.   LEARN MORE

Monday 5/4

Family Storytime - 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

One-on-One Homework Help - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Online Listen and Move Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Homework Help - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Mindful Monday -12 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 12 p.m.  (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 1 p.m.  (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 2 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.  REGISTER

Traditional Storytelling - 3 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Teen Technology – 3 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 5 p.m.   REGISTER


Tuesday 5/5              

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)    LEARN MORE

Aprendiendo Juntos en Casa – 10 a.m. (information to be emailed to prior participants)

One-on-One Homework Help - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Cuentos Virtuales en Español - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Learning Circle: The Science of Well-Being – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)   REGISTER

One-on-One Homework Help - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 12 p.m.  (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  LEARN MORE

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Creating Virtual Resumes with the Job Help Center – 1 p.m. (Teen and Adult programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 1 p.m.  (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 2 p.m.  (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Story Explorers Enrichment - 3 p.m.   (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Children's Reference – 3 p.m.  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Children's Reference – 4 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 5 p.m.   REGISTER

Active Reading Training for Caregivers of K-3 Students - 6 p.m.   REGISTER

WFAE Presents: Podcasting 101 – 6:30 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Graphic Novel Book Club - 6:30 p.m.  (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Murderino Book Club - 7 p.m.  (Adult programming)   REGISTER


Wednesday 5/6

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

One-on-One Homework Help - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Online Listen and Move Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Homework Help - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Lunch & Munch Book Club - 12 p.m.  (Adult programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 12 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 1 p.m. (Teen programming)   REGISTER

Learning Circle: Intro to HTML and CSS – 1 p.m. (Adult programming)  LEARN MORE

Write a Winning Resume - 2 p.m. (Adult programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 2 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Engage 2020: School Age Stories – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Teen Technology – 3 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 5 p.m.    REGISTER


Thursday 5/7

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Write Like You Mean It – 10 a.m. (Adult programming)  LEARN MORE

Aprendiendo Juntos en Casa – 10 a.m. (information to be emailed to prior participants)

One-on-One Homework Help - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Cuentos Virtuales en Español - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Homework Help - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 12 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Creating Virtual Resumes with the Job Help Center – 1 p.m. (Adult and Teen programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 1 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Active Reading Training for Caregivers of 2-5 year olds – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 2 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Children's Reference – 3 p.m.   REGISTER

Tips for Virtual Interviews - 3 p.m. (Adult programming)   REGISTER

Book Talk: Children's - 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Children's Reference – 4 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 5 p.m.  REGISTER

Spanish Conversation Club - 6 p.m. (Adult programming)   REGISTER

English Conversation Club - 6 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Books on Tap Book Club – 7 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER


Friday 5/8

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

One-on-One Homework Help - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Baby Storytime - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Homework Help - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 12 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Spanish Conversation Club - 1 p.m. (Adult programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 1 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - My Next Step – 2 p.m. (Teen programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Children's Reference – 3 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Children's Reference – 4 p.m.   REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Technology – 5 p.m.   REGISTER


Saturday 5/9

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Read Like a Star - 10 a.m. (Adult/Teen programming)   REGISTER

Lit Lite - 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Active Reading at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.

Read WITH Your Kids, Not Just TO Them

April 30, 2020

Picture this: bathtime finished, pajamas on, a book selected and your child is eager to read.

This is not a dream, I repeat, this is not a dream! It's the scene of many families that utilize Active Reading strategies when reading aloud with children.

Often we tend to read TO children, leading to a rushed reading routine with our kids running away, screaming, or completely disinterested. When we read WITH our children, we not only aid in our child’s reading development, but the dream of an engaged reader becomes reality!

Okay, okay. But How?

It starts with Active Reading. Active Reading is the strategy of reading a picture book aloud with children, asking questions, building vocabulary, and connecting to your child’s world. When Active Reading strategies are used while reading, language, vocabulary, and comprehension skills are improved. You will improve your reading routine and develop your child into a lifelong lover of reading.

Let Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Help.

Learn about Active Reading research and best practices for reading aloud with children by taking Active Reading Training through Charlotte Mecklenburg Library! Two virtual class offerings are available each week:

· Active Reading Training for Caregivers of K-3 students: Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m.

· Active Reading Training for Caregivers of 2-5 year old's: Thursdays at 2:00 p.m.

These classes are perfect for parents, caregivers, family members, teachers, instructional assistants, and more! Sign up for these classes here.

Let’s commit to reading books WITH our children.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library makes it easy to connect with the Library's virtual programs.

Learn to communicate online with Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

May 4, 2020

As our communities have adapted to stay-at-home orders and social distancing, communicating online has become increasingly important. Families and friends schedule Zoom conferences, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library’s programs are held online and access to the Library's collection is temporarily limited to downloadable items. Do you feel a little lost in this new online environment? Are you wondering what we even mean when we refer to “Zoom,” “chat" and “virtual program?”  You’re not alone!


Understanding our terminology

The staff at the Library have been working hard to learn new technology to be able to work from home, so we understand the frustration you may be feeling about being thrust into a digital world and we’re here to help. We want to define a few of the terms that you might see in our communications as well as some of the more popular tools that people are using to connect with each other. The Library offers online tutorials and will guide you on how to get help from our staff. While this isn’t an exhaustive list, we hope this guide provides you with enough information to start exploring so you can join us as we work to stay connected with our Library community.

Online Chat - Online chat refers to communication that happens over the Internet in real time. It’s like having a conversation but you’re typing what you want to say instead of speaking. When we email each other, we usually wait for a response, sometimes for days. Participants in an online chat forum typically type short questions and responses so that it resembles an in-person conversation. See below (Ask A Librarian section) for information on how to use online chat to connect with Library staff.

Virtual or Online Program – You can now participate in many Library programs on your PC, tablet or smartphone. They typically occur in one of two formats:

Facebook Live Event - Our children's storytime programs are accessible through Facebook as a live event and do not require registration. When you visit our calendar page, click on “Learn More” to see details for any program. Programs available through Facebook Live will have instructions on which Facebook page to visit: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, ImaginOn or Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation. If you use Facebook, visit the appropriate Facebook page at the correct time to view the live event. Click here for a quick tutorial on using Facebook.

Jitsi and Zoom - Jitsi and Zoom are two examples of video conferencing software that allow multiple people to meet online. Participants can opt to see and hear each other so that you can talk to each other face-to-face. These services also offer chat for participants who don’t have audio capability. Library programs currently using this option include book clubs, writing programs and meditation programs. Instructions for joining an online program can be found at the end of this video on our Book a Librarian program. Zoom also offers tutorials on its website.

You've probably seen commercials and shows that are using Zoom to connect with friends and family. Other sites like Skype, Google Hangouts and WhatsApp offer similar services. Click here to view a short video describing several of the options you can use so you can stay in touch. We’ve also created a list that contains links to tutorials for many of these sites. lynda.com and Universal Class, two of the Library’s many resources, offer more in-depth classes and are free to use with your library card if you want to explore these even further.

Downloadable and streaming content – The Library offers several options that allow you to check out e-books, e-audiobooks, movies, and music that can be read, viewed and listened to on your PC, tablet or smartphone. These materials are available to stream (meaning you must be connected to the Internet while you use it) or download (meaning the content is temporarily saved to your device so you can use it even when you’re not connected to the Internet). OverDrive, hoopla, kanopy, RBdigital magazines and Freegal are only a few of the Library’s resources that offer downloadable content and are free to use with your library card or ONE Access ID. If you don’t have a card, you can apply for one online.

Video tutorials are available to help you get started with these and many other popular Library resources.

How can I get help if the Library is closed?

This is a lot of information, and we know that you’re itching to pick up the phone or stop by the desk at your local branch to ask us a question. While we can’t accommodate you in that way right now, we’re still available by email, online chat or through our Book a Librarian program. One of the most valuable resources libraries offer is their staff, so here’s how we can help you when you need us.

Contact Us Email Form

If you can’t see us in person, are you most comfortable communicating through email? At the bottom of every Library page you’ll see a link that says “Contact.” Click on “Contact” to open our form, then click in each box to provide the requested information. When you’re finished, click on “submit.” Library staff will respond to your email address as soon as they can. We do sometimes have a backlog of emails, so use this method when you have some time to wait for a response. Tip: Check your email address before you submit your question. If there’s a typo, we won’t be able to respond to you.


Ask a Librarian

If you’re looking for more immediate service, librarians are standing by Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. through our online chat service. Follow these steps to begin chatting with library staff:

1) When you visit the Library’s website on a PC, you’ll see an orange box that says, “Ask a Librarian.” Click on that box to get started. If you’re using a smartphone or tablet, tap the small orange circle in the corner of your screen.

2) Next, you’ll see a form that asks for your name, your library card number (if you have it) and your question. Click in each box to type your information.

3) Click on “start chat.” You’ll be connected to a librarian who will type a response to you. Tip: Library staff cannot see what you’ve typed or respond to you until you press “enter” on your keyboard (if you’re using a computer) or press the arrow button (if you’re using your smartphone or tablet).

Book a Librarian

Are you looking for an interaction that feels a little more personal? Book a Librarian might be just what you need. Book a Librarian is very similar to the 1-on-1 e-book and Technology Tutor sessions that you're used to seeing in our branches. The main difference is that you’re talking to and seeing each other online through your computer, smart phone or tablet. In this format, library staff can share their screen with you, which means that you can follow along as we demonstrate how to access certain resources. Watch this video to learn more about signing up for Book a Librarian.

What questions can I ask?

While there’s no substitution for interacting with you in person, communicating online is the next best thing. If you tried to download an e-book and you just couldn’t figure it out, we can help you. If you want to attend one of our online programs and you’re not sure how it works, contact us through email or chat and we can help you get started.  If you’ve exhausted your reading material and need some suggestions, we can recommend new authors or titles based on books that you’ve enjoyed. We can help explain terms that you’re seeing here and in other places as you learn how to navigate our online world. We don’t always know the answer to your question, but we can always recommend Library resources, websites and organizations that can help.

Most of all, we want you to know that we’re still here for you.