550 of 2141 results
Never stop learning with FREE access to lynda.com with your library card

Never stop learning with FREE access to lynda.com with your library card

March 2, 2020

Did you know that Charlotte Mecklenburg Library offers customers FREE access to lynda's expansive library of instructional videos?

Valued at more than $300 a year, this benefit is yours FREE just by logging in with your library card number or ONE Access account number and password.

Turn on. Log in. Get smart.

For 20 years, lynda.com has helped students, leaders, IT and design pros, project managers – anyone in any role – develop software, creative and business skills.

Become an expert in that thing you've always wanted to know more about by creating your own tutorial playlists or browsing lynda.com's "Learning Paths"—bundled tutorials designed to provide a crash course for a particular topic.

Lynda.com courses are taught by industry professionals with real-world experience and can be filtered by category, length, skill level and more to provide a personalized, reliable learning experience. Lynda.com also offers courses in five languages!

Learning on lynda.com can happen anywhere with apps for your computer, mobile device and TV, featuring enhanced navigation and faster streaming. And now that lynda.com is owned by LinkedIn, you can easily post the training you complete to your profile.

So, what's available with lynda.com?

More than 3,000 courses (and more than 130,000 videos) in popular fields like web design, web development, IT, education/instruction, media production and business. Most tutorials last several hours but are broken into multiple chapters.

  • Photography: how to shoot photos that tell a story, choose the right gear, edit photos and more.
  • Software: Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint; Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and more.
  • Web design: Web graphics, Interactive Design, Prototyping and more.
  • Social media and web publishing tools like Facebook, Twitter and Wordpress.
  • Business and career skills: productivity, marketing, time management and more.
  • Job Search Tools: Resume design, Searching for Positions, Working with Recruiters and more.

Course offerings on lynda.com are always being updated, so check back often for even more learning opportunities.

Don't know where to start?

Those who aren't sure what they need can browse curated playlists to get started in any subject. These playlists are like a mix tape—they're a great way to discover new topics you never knew you wanted to learn.

You can access lynda.com using your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card or ONE Access account (CMS student or staff ID number). If you don't have a library card yet, you can apply below.

If you do have a library card, start using lynda.com today! Once you are logged in, the next step is to create a personalized account by entering a name and email address. This account can help manage your course history, playlists, bookmarks and Certificates of Completion.

What are you waiting for?

Take a closer look at lynda.com today and discover a new skill you'd like to learn—on your time!

Book Club Kits for your Book Club at the Library

Book Club Kits Expand Offering

March 4, 2020

Even in today’s internet-led world, book clubs are still as popular as ever. Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon and Jenna Bush Hager curate their own book club titles. At the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation’s annual Verse & Vino, tables sell out fast and are filled by Book Club members – a testament that avid readers are looking not only for a great title, but also for a great experience.

How can the Library help your book club?






For starters, we have the books. LOTS OF Books. Nearly 200 titles are available in our book club kits.

What’s a book club kit? Charlotte Mecklenburg Library has plenty of book club kits available to check out for six weeks. Each kit has 10 copies of the book (paperback), an author biography and discussion questions, which are all conveniently packaged in a Library tote bag. Reserve your kit online or call Gina DeLisle, book club kit coordinator, at 704-416-0303.  Here's a link to the newest additions. If you can’t decide on a book, pick one from Gina’s lists or one of Oprah's Favorite Books


Where are the book club kits?

Book club kits are on display on the main floor at Main Library in Uptown. If a book club kit isn't on reserve, you can take it directly from the shelf and check it out.

The best way to ensure your book title choice is available, is to go on-line to reserve your kit.  On line you can see all the titles and also when kits are available. The kit will be delivered to the branch location you specify and typically takes three days to deliver.



How much does this cost?

What if you don’t have the funds to buy all these books new? Book club kits are FREE! Book clubbers on a budget will love checking out the book club kit from the Library.

Need a list of discussion questions for your book?

Don’t let your group get off the subject! Visit our valuable resource NoveList Plus for ready-made discussion questions to get your talk off to a good start. Check out the handy user tutorial on getting started.  

Let us do the work.

Short on time? Or maybe you're looking to join an existing book club. If so, let our expert staff do the planning and join one of our Library book clubs! Book clubs are offered at branch locations all through the County. New members are always welcome.  We’ve listed a few here, but check out our book club calendar to see them all. 

Book clubs, whether in your home or here at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, are ways to empower your community and embrace diverse ideas. 

Information on Coronavirus Diseas 2019 (COVID-19)

Information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

March 5, 2020

Desplácese hacia abajo para ver la versión en español

Mecklenburg County Public Health is working with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), other local health departments and health care providers as well as community partners including Charlotte Douglas International Airport and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management Office (CMEMO) to prepare for any future potential cases in the County and in the State. At present, the majority of cases have been diagnosed in people who live in or have traveled to Wuhan, China. Currently, the risk for infection locally is low; however, usual prevention methods are recommended to prevent any further infections.

By now you’ve probably had conversations with coworkers, family, neighbors and acquaintances in the community regarding the risk, whether you should be concerned and what you should do. Here is some information that might be helpful to you and them (this information is also available on the County website and will be updated regularly.

Travelers who develop a fever or respiratory symptoms, including cough and difficulty breathing, within two weeks of leaving should contact their doctor right away and should call ahead before going to the clinic, urgent care or emergency room so appropriate steps can be taken to avoid exposing others.

At this time of year, respiratory illnesses in people in North Carolina are most likely due to infection with influenza or viruses that cause the common cold. People should take precautions to protect themselves from these infections, including practicing good handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding touching your face, staying home when you are sick and getting your annual flu shot.

As you talk with your coworkers, friends and families about things you can do to protect yourself from respiratory infections like flu and COVID-19, here are a few suggestions:
  • practicing good handwashing,
  • covering coughs and sneezes,
  • avoiding touching your face,
  • staying home when you are sick and
  • getting your annual flu shot.

If you would like more information, here are several websites that will be updated regularly:

Find resources on COVID-19 in other languages here/encuentra recursos en COVID-19 en otros idiomas aquí:


If you're interested in making hand sanitizer, click here for a link to a homemade recipe.



Coronavirus COVID-19: Links You Can Trust

Coronavirus COVID-19 has been the subject of many recent news and social media reports. With the increase of fake and unreliable news, we suggest going to the following trusted sources to learn more about this topic.

World Health Organization (WHO)

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a trusted, authoritative source for public health information. The WHO announced the official name for the disease that is causing the 2020 outbreak of coronavirus disease: COVID-19.

  • Coronavirus (health topic)

    This landing page for the Coronaviruses family of viruses includes background, select news on the outbreak, and links to Questions and Answers on Coronaviruses.
  • Advice for the Public

    This WHO page on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has practical information for dealing with the outbreak on a personal level. The page includes video, graphics, myth-busters, and even tips for coping with related stress.

General Information and prevention


MedlinePlus offers up-to-date information in language you can understand. MedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Associated Press

The Associated Press (AP) is a not-for-profit news cooperative that is widely considered the least biased reporting in the U.S.

Johns Hopkins University

  • Coronavirus COVID-19 Mapping by Johns Hopkins CSSE

    The Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University is mapping the number of global cases, deaths, and recoveries from COVID-19. The data is updated throughout the day.


Información sobre la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

El Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Mecklenburg está trabajando con el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Carolina del Norte (NCDHHS por sus siglas en inglés), los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC por sus siglas en inglés), otros departamentos de salud locales y proveedores de atención médica, así como con socios de la comunidad, incluyendo el Aeropuerto Internacional Charlotte Douglas y la Oficina de Manejo de Emergencias de Charlotte-Mecklenburg (CMEMO por sus siglas en inglés) para prepararse para casos potenciales futuros en el Condado y en el Estado. En la actualidad, la mayoría de los casos se han diagnosticado en personas que viven o han viajado a Wuhan, China. Actualmente, el riesgo de infección local es bajo; sin embargo, se recomiendan los métodos de prevención habituales para prevenir futuras infecciones.

Probablemente ya haya tenido conversaciones con compañeros de trabajo, familiares, vecinos y conocidos de la comunidad sobre el riesgo, si debe preocuparse y qué debe hacer. Aquí encontrará información que puede ser útil para usted y para ellos (esta información también está disponible en el sitio web del Condado y se actualizará periódicamente).

Los viajeros que desarrollan fiebre o síntomas respiratorios, los cuales incluyen tos y dificultad para respirar, dentro de las dos semanas posteriores a la partida, deben comunicarse con su médico de inmediato y deben llamar con anticipación antes de ir a la clínica, atención de urgencia o sala de emergencias para que se puedan tomar las medidas adecuadas para evitar la exposición a otros.

En esta época del año, las enfermedades respiratorias en las personas en Carolina del Norte probablemente se deben a una infección con influenza o virus que causan el resfriado común. Las personas deben tomar precauciones para protegerse de estas infecciones, como practicar un buen lavado de manos, cubrirse la tos y los estornudos, evitar tocarse la cara, quedarse en casa cuando esté enfermo y recibir la vacuna anual contra la gripe.

Mientras habla con sus compañeros de trabajo, amigos y familiares sobre las cosas que puede hacer para protegerse de las infecciones respiratorias como la gripe y COVID-19, aquí hay algunas sugerencias:

• practicar un buen lavado de manos,

• cubrir toses y estornudos,

• evitar tocarse la cara,

• quedarse en casa cuando esté enfermo y

• recibir su vacuna anual contra la gripe.


Si desea obtener más información, aquí hay varios sitios web que se actualizarán periódicamente:

Encuentre recursos sobre COVID-19 en otros idiomas aquí:



Si está interesado en hacer desinfectante para manos, haga clic aquí para obtener un enlace a una receta casera.


Coronavirus COVID-19: enlaces en los que puede confiar

El coronavirus COVID-19 ha sido un tema publicado en muchas noticias recientes e informes de redes sociales. Con el aumento de noticias falsas y poco confiables, sugerimos ir a las siguientes fuentes confiables para obtener más información sobre este tema.

Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)

La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) es una fuente confiable y autorizada de información de salud pública. La OMS anunció el nombre oficial de la enfermedad que está causando el brote de la enfermedad por coronavirus en el 2020: COVID-19.

Información general y prevención


MedlinePlus ofrece información actualizada que es fácil de entender. MedlinePlus es un servicio de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (NLM por sus siglas en inglés), la biblioteca médica más grande del mundo, que forma parte de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NIH por sus siglas en inglés).

Associated Press

Associated Press (AP) es una cooperativa de noticias sin fines de lucro que es ampliamente considerada como la información menos sesgada en los Estados Unidos.

  • Noticias del AP

    Se cubren temas como la respuesta al brote del gobierno y las empresas.

Universidad de Johns Hopkins

  • Mapeo de coronavirus COVID-19 por Johns Hopkins CSSE

    El Centro de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Sistemas (CSSE por sus siglas en inglés) de la Universidad de Johns Hopkins está mapeando el número de casos, muertes y recuperaciones globales de COVID-19. Los datos se actualizan a lo largo del día. Está página solo está disponible en inglés.
The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library offers a list of digital resources accessible for free during COVID-19 pandemic and Library closure.

Digital resources at your fingertips

March 16, 2020

Desplácese hacia abajo para ver la versión en español

Your Library’s mission is to improve lives and build a stronger community. Access to resources is important – even while practicing social distancing (limiting physical closeness to others to reduce the risk of exposure to disease). With recommendations to stay home and avoid crowds, this is a perfect opportunity to explore the world of e-books, e-audiobooks, movies, music, newspapers, magazines and more resources you can access for FREE, from anywhere, with your Library card.

Don’t have a Library card? Sign-up for one now.

Stay well and stay engaged with digital resources you can access today:*

E-books & More
hoopla (10 checkouts)
Kanopy (10 checkouts)
Kanopy Kids (unlimited checkouts)
NC Kids Digital Library 
(20 checkouts)
      Looking for titles on OverDrive that are always available? Click here.
RBdigital magazines  (unlimited checkouts)

Keep up with the news
Charlotte Observer
New York Times  
New York Times - Digital Solutions
Wall Street Journal  
Value Line  

Learn a skill at home
Mango Languages
Universal Class

Find storytime videos at our Digital Branch!

Additional resources
Need help navigating Library resources? Click the green flag labeled “Resource Tutorials” to the right of the Resources: A-Z page to access our Niche Academy tutorial videos.

Wi-Fi remains available at all Library locations. Wi-Fi signal will be extended at each branch to reach the perimeter of the facility.

Questions? We can help you. Online chat is available Monday-Friday from 9 a.m-9 p.m. Click "Ask a Librarian" on the cmlibray.org website.

Need a Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card? Sign-up for a Library card here.

Access Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) resources for librarians and patrons here.

*For your convenience, this list will be updated periodically. (Last updated Friday, April 20, 2020 at 2:54 p.m.)


Recursos digitales a su alcance

La misión de su biblioteca es mejorar vidas y construir una comunidad más fuerte. El acceso a los recursos es importante, incluso mientras se practica el distanciamiento social (limitar la cercanía física con los demás para reducir el riesgo de exposición a enfermedades). Debido a las recomendaciones para quedarse en casa y evitar multitudes, esta es una oportunidad perfecta para explorar el mundo de los libros electrónicos, audiolibros electrónicos, películas, música, periódicos, revistas y más recursos. Usted puede accederlos GRATIS, desde cualquier lugar, con su tarjeta de la biblioteca.

¿No tiene una tarjeta de la biblioteca? Inscríbase ahora.

Por favor cuídese y utilice los recursos digitales disponibles: *


Libros electrónicos y más


hoopla (10 préstamos)

Kanopy  (10 préstamos)

Kanopy Kids (préstamos ilimitados)

NC Kids Digital Library 

OverDrive/libby (20 préstamos disponibles ahora)
      ¿Busca títulos en OverDrive que siempre estén disponibles? Haga clic aquí

Revistas RBdigital  (préstamos ilimitados disponibles ahora)

Manténgase al tanto de las novedades

Charlotte Observer
New York Times  
New York Times - Digital Solutions
Wall Street Journal  
Value Line  

Aprenda algo nuevo en casa
Mango Languages
Universal Class

Tiempo de cuentos

¡Encuentre videos de cuentos en nuestra sucursal digital!

Recursos adicionales

¿Necesita ayuda para navegar los recursos de la biblioteca? Haga clic en la bandera verde con la etiqueta "Resource Tutorials” (“Tutoriales de recursos") a la derecha de la página de Recursos: A-Z para acceder a nuestros videos tutoriales de la Academia Niche.

Wi-Fi permanece disponible en todas las sucursales de la biblioteca. La señal de Wi-Fi se extenderá en cada sucursal para alcanzar el perímetro de la ubicación.

¿Tiene preguntas? Le podemos ayudar. El chat en línea está disponible de lunes a viernes de 9 a.m. a 9 p.m. Haga clic en “Ask a Librarian” ("Pregunte a un bibliotecario") en la parte inferior del sitio web cmlibrary.org.

¿Necesita una tarjeta de la Biblioteca de Charlotte Mecklenburg? Inscríbase para obtener una tarjeta de la biblioteca aquí.

Acceda a los recursos del Programa de la Biblioteca Federal de Depósito (FDLP por sus siglas en inglés) para los bibliotecarios y los usuarios aquí.

 * Para su comodidad, esta lista se actualizará periódicamente. (Última actualización el viernes 20 de abril del 2020 a las 2:54 p.m.)

Need help navigating the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library digital resources?

Need help navigating Library digital resources?

March 23, 2020

Feeling a little overwhelmed by the vast collection of digital resources the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library offers for free? Not sure how to use them or if you have the right equipment to access them? Below is an easy step-by-step guide on some of our most popular digital resources, online tutorials, and e-books and how you can access them with your Library card. Don’t have a Library card? Sign up for one here and gain immediate access.

(Apps are in alphabetical order)

Freegal Music – desktop and mobile app

Freegal gives you access to tons of songs, music videos, and audiobooks.


  1. To get started with Freegal using a computer web browser, click here.
  2. Once you are on the Freegal site, click “log in."
  3. Enter your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card information, and then click “log in."
  4. When you are logged in, the home page will show featured content.  If you want to listen to something specific, enter the keyword in the search bar at the top of the screen.  If you’d rather explore, click the browse tab. 
  5. There are two ways to listen to music: downloading and streaming. Charlotte Mecklenburg Library customers get 5 free downloads (songs are 1 download and videos are 2) and 5 hours of streaming each week. Once downloaded, the songs or videos are yours to keep.
  6. If you want to add a song to a playlist, click the add-to-list button and select either create playlist or select a playlist you have already created.

Mobile app:

  1. Mobile customers can download the Freegal app for iOS from the Apple App store and on Android from the Google Play store.
  2. When you first open the app, Freegal will ask to access your location. Tap allow or don’t allow to continue. If you choose not to allow access, enter your zip code and then tap the continue button.
  3. A list of libraries will appear. Select Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.
  4. Enter your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card number and pin.
  5. You are now ready to use Freegal. You will start on the home tab, which shows featured songs and artists.  If you want to search for a particular song by an artist, tap the search tab. If you want to look around, tap the browse tab.
  6. You can save the file for later, download and add it to a streaming playlist or wishlist.
  7. Your wishlist is found in the home tab and your downloaded files and playlists are found in the “my music” tab.


Hoopla – desktop, mobile app and Kindle Fire

Hoopla is a digital media service that offers tons of titles, including e-audiobooks, movies, e-books, television shows, music albums, and comics


  1. To get started using hoopla on your computer browser, click here.
  2. If you already have an account, enter your email address and password, and click the “log in” button.  If you don’t have an account, click the “get started” button in the center of the screen.
  3. In the box that pops up, click choose your local library and select Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.
  4. Enter your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card number, your email address and password.
  5. You can now use hoopla. You will start on the home page, which shows all the titles you currently have borrowed and recently returned. To personalize your hoopla experience, click settings.
  6. Here you can choose the notifications you want to receive from hoopla, turn on or off kids mode and show or hide your borrowing history. You can also click the select button to the right of recommendations and click the genres that interest you for each type of media.
  7. To find a title, you can enter a term in the search bar and limit your search to a type of media when you click the dropdown menu in the search bar and select a media type.
  8. When you have found a title that interests you, hover over the title. You can click the borrow button to immediately check out the title or click the button to add it to your favorites. For more information, click the picture.

Mobile app:

  1. To access hoopla on your Android device, download the hoopla digital app from the Google Play store. To access hoopla on your iOS device, download the hoopla digital app from the Apple App Store.
  2. If you already have an account, enter your email address and password, and tap the “log in” button.  If you need to create an account, tap “sign up”.
  3. When creating an account, tap or search for Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.
  4. Enter your email address, a password and your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card number.  Tap the “sign up” button.
  5. You are now able to use hoopla. The home tab will be the first page you see. Charlotte Mecklenburg Library customers are allowed 10 checkouts per month.
  6. Tap type of media to browse its available titles. Scroll to the bottom of the page to select specific genres.
  7. When you select a title to borrow, the borrow button will change to play for videos, e-audiobooks and music or will change to read for e-books and comics. Tap the "play" or "read" button to enjoy your title.
  8. If you are coming back to a title you have already started, tap the resume bar in the middle of the page.
  9. To access hoopla’s settings, tap the three-dot icon and select "settings."

Kindle Fire:

  1. To use hoopla on your Kindle Fire, download the hoopla digital app from the App store.
  2. If you already have an account, enter your email address and password, then tap the "log in" button. If you need to create an account, tap "sign up".
  3. To sign up, enter your email address and password. Tap or search for Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. Enter your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card number.
  4. With your account created, tap “sign up” to agree to the terms and conditions.
  5. You are now able to use hoopla on your Kindle Fire.
  6. Tap “let’s go” to start exploring titles.
  7. If you chose to borrow a title, the borrow button will change to play for videos, e-audiobooks, and music or read for e-books and comics. Tap the "play" or "read" button to start enjoying your new title. To see a full list of titles you have borrowed, tap the "borrowed" tab on the home screen. If you are coming back to a title you have already opened, tap the "resume bar" in the middle of the picture.


Kanopydesktop and mobile app

Kanopy is a streaming service with access to thousands of films, documentaries, and television shows. It includes selections from the Criterion Collection, the Great Courses, film festival winners, independent directors, and much more. 


  1. Click here for the kanopy site.
  2. Once on the kanopy login page, click "add library card."
  3. Enter your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card information and click continue.
  4. To create your account, enter your first and last name and your email account.  You will need to create a password. Click "sign up."
  5. You will need to verify your email address before you can enjoy movies. Sign into your email account, select the email from kanopy.com and click the "verify email" button. Kanopy will return you to the homepage.
  6. To search for a film, enter your search terms in the search box and click the magnifying glass.
  7. Use the tabs at the top of your search results to sort by videos, subject, or companies.
  8. Use the filters on the side bar to narrow results.
  9. There is a browse tab next to the search bar to explore genres.
  10. Once you have found something to watch, click the title card.
  11. At any time, you can click your account name to see the menu. From here, you can access your dashboard, watchlist, viewing history, and parental controls.
  12. To find children’s titles, click "go to Kanopy Kids."
  13. The first time you visit Kanopy Kids, you’ll be asked to set up parental controls.

Mobile app:

  1. To get kanopy on your mobile device, download the kanopy app from the Apple App store for iOS and the Google Play store for Android.
  2. When opening the app for the first time, tap "log in."
  3. Enter your email address and password, and then tap “log in”. If you don’t have an account, go to create an account.
  4. To create your account, enter your first and last name and your email account. You will need to create a password. Click "sign up."
  5. You will need to verify your email address before you can enjoy movies.  Sign into your email account, select the email from kanopy.com and click the "verify email" button. kanopy will return you to the homepage.
  6. To enable notifications, tap "allow." Otherwise, tap “not now”.
  7. Once on the kanopy homepage, you can browse curated films or tap the magnifying glass to search for a film.


Libbymobile app

Libby—a mobile app for Android and Apple iOS devices that gives you a seamless borrowing and reading experience. 

  1. Libby is an app that can be downloaded for Android from the Google Play store or on your iOS device, from the Apple App Store.
  2. When you first open the app, you’re greeted by Libby, who wants to know if you already have a library card. If you do, tap "yes." If you need to get a Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card, click here first and come back to step three.
  3. You can select to either have Libby search for Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, if your GPS is turned on, or you can find Charlotte Mecklenburg Library yourself through the search option by entering your zip code.
  4. Next, Libby wants to know your primary reading preference. Tap either “I’ll mostly read on a Kindle” or “I’ll mostly read on Libby”.
  5. You will then sign in with your library card. Enter your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card number and pin and tap “sign in”.
  6. Once you are signed in, it will take you to Libby’s home page.
  7. Use the top bar to search and browse for titles.
  8. Tap a title’s image to see a description. If the title is unavailable, a bar below the title image will show its wait period. Tap the “place hold” button to reserve a copy.
  9. You can always access your holds and borrowed titles from the homepage. Just tap Shelf at the bottom of the screen. The holds tab shows the progress of your holds.


lynda.com – desktop only

Lynda.com is an online learning platform that helps you learn business, software, technology, and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.


  1. To use lynda.com, you will need to create a profile. Click here to get started.
  2. Enter your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card information and a password and then click create a profile.
  3. The homepage shows popular learning paths and topics. To see the full list of everything offered, hover over the Library dropdown menu.
  4. Browse the list and click a course to start learning.


Mango Languages – desktop and mobile app

Mango Languages is a language learning tool that offers instruction in more than 70 languages. There are even courses for people who are learning English as a second language.


  1. To use Mango Languages on a computer web browser, click here.
  2. Enter your email and password, then click “log in”.
  3. If you don’t have an account, you will need to create one. Enter your name, email, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card information and a password. Click “sign up”.
  4. To finish creating your account, read the data consent form and click “I agree”.
  5. Once signed in, you will be taken to the pathway page. Each language pathway is composed of units, chapters and lessons. To start learning, click the chapter you wish to study.
  6. Each chapter contains a variety of lessons on listening, reading comprehension and speaking skills. Click a lesson bubble to start learning.
  7. Once the lesson opens, click the right arrow button to advance the slides.
  8. To change the lesson settings, click the gear icon. To adjust the volume, click the volume slider or click the toggles to switch off the narrator, closed captions or quiz timers.
  9. When you’re finished with your lesson, click next to start the upcoming lesson. Click restart to review the current lesson or click exit to return to the language pathway page.

Mobile app:

  1. To get started, download the Mango Languages app from the Google Play store or the Apple App store.
  2. If you don’t have an account, you will need to create one. Enter your name, email, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card information and a password. Click “sign up”.
  3. To finish creating your account, read the data consent form and click “I agree”.
  4. Once logged in, you have the option to allow notifications. Tap the don’t allow or allow button to continue.
  5. You will be taken to the learning pathway. Each language pathway is composed of units, chapters, and lessons. To get started, tap a lesson bubble.
  6. To continue with a course you have already started, tap the arrow button and then tap resume. To review material you’ve learned previously, tap “start review”.
  7. Once the lesson opens, swipe left to advance the lesson slides or swipe right to rewind.
  8. Tap the gear button to make changes to the course settings.


RBdigital – desktop and mobile app

RBdigital gives you access to various types of media such as e-books, e-audiobooks, magazines, comics, video, education, games, and music.


  1. For desktop, click the link here.
  2. Sign in if you already have a username and password.
  3. If you don’t have an account, you will need to register.  Enter your personal information and your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card number and Charlotte Mecklenburg Library location.
  4. Now you will be able to sign in and browse titles.
  5. You will need to download the media manager at the bottom of the page for either Windows or Mac.
  6. Your downloaded media selection will open in the media manager.

Mobile App:

  1. For mobile app, download the RBdigital app for Andriod device from the Google Play store or for iOS from the Apple app store.
  2. When you open the app, tap “register now."
  3. Choose your country, state, and then choose Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.
  4. Tap create an account.
  5. Enter your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card number and your personal information.
  6. You can use the search bar to find something specific. Tap the magnifying glass and enter your search criteria.
  7. From the menu icon, you can browse titles by selecting the genre.
  8. When you find what you are looking for, tap the "download" button.


This is just a short list of how to use some of our digital resources.

If you need additional help, please visit the online chat on the Library website at cmlibrary.org and click on “Ask a Librarian” between the hours of 9 a.m.-9 p.m.

Be counted during the 2020 Census

Be counted during the 2020 Census

March 23, 2020


Desplácese hacia abajo para la versión en español

Have you heard about the 2020 Census? The census starts in March, and the Library is spreading the word about how important the census is for Mecklenburg County. Once the Library re-opens, you can take the census on computers available at all locations. In the meantime, you can take it online. Here’s information and resources to help you understand the census, why it’s important, and how you can take it.

The census count helps bring valuable resources to our community, such as federal funding for things like healthcare, education and transportation. The census is convenient, safe and required. Learn more on how the census helps the local community - “Make it Count” by visiting www.MeckCounts2020.com.

Take the 2020 Census here 

Fact sheets here:





Watch the video here:

English - https://meckcounts2020.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Final-English-MeckCounts-2020-Educational-Video-sm.mp4

Spanish - https://meckcounts2020.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Final-Spanish-MeckCounts-2020-Educational-Video-Subtitles-sm.mp4

Why participate in the Census?

The 2020 Census is easy. The questions are simple. Responses to census questions provide a snapshot of the nation. Census results affect your voice in government, how much funding your community receives, and how your community plans for the future.

When you fill out the census, you help determine:

  • determine how many seats your state gets in Congress
  • inform how more than $675 billion in federal funding is distributed to states and communities each year
  • create jobs, provide housing, prepare for emergencies, and build schools, roads and hospitals

The 2020 Census will ask for the following information:

Number of people at address

This question is asked to collect an accurate count of the number of people at each address on Census Day, April 1, 2020. Each decade, census results determine how many seats your state gets in Congress. State and local officials use census counts to draw boundaries for congressional districts, state legislative districts, and school districts.

Any additional people living or staying there

The goal is to count people once, only once, and in the right place according to where they live on Census Day. Keeping this goal in mind, this question is asked to ensure that everyone living at an address is counted.


This question about whether a home is owned or rented is asked to create statistics about homeownership and renters. Homeownership rates serve as an indicator of the nation’s economy and help in administering housing programs and informing planning decisions.

Phone number

The phone number is requested in case the census needs to contact you. Your number will never be shared, and you will only be contacted if needed for official Census Bureau business.


Your responses

Your responses to the 2020 Census are safe, secure, and protected by federal law. Your answers can only be used to produce statistics—they cannot be used against you in any way. By law, all responses to U.S. Census Bureau household and business surveys are kept completely confidential.

Respond to the 2020 Census to shape the future

Responding to the census helps communities get the funding they need and helps businesses make data-driven decisions that grow the economy. Census data impact our daily lives, informing important decisions about funding for services and infrastructure in your community, including health care, senior centers, jobs, political representation, roads, schools, and businesses. More than $675 billion in federal funding flows back to states and local communities each year based on census data.

Your census responses are safe and secure

The Census Bureau is required by law to protect any personal information it collects and keep it strictly confidential. The Census Bureau can only use your answers to produce statistics. In fact, every Census Bureau employee takes an oath to protect your personal information for life. Your answers cannot be used for law enforcement purposes or to determine your personal eligibility for government benefits.

By law, your responses cannot be used against you

By law, your census responses cannot be used against you by any government agency or court in any way—not by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), not by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), not by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and not by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The law requires the Census Bureau to keep your information confidential and use your responses only to produce statistics.

There are no exceptions

The law requires the Census Bureau to keep everyone’s information confidential. By law, your responses cannot be used against you by any government agency or court in any way. The Census Bureau will not share an individual’s responses with immigration enforcement agencies, law enforcement agencies, or allow that information to be used to determine eligibility for government benefits. Title 13 makes it very clear that the data we collect can only be used for statistical purposes—we cannot allow it to be used for anything else, including law enforcement.

It’s your choice: you can respond securely online, by mail, or by phone.

You will have the option of responding online, by mail, or by phone. Households that don’t respond in one of these ways will be visited by a census taker to collect the information in person. Regardless of how you respond, your personal information is protected by law.

Your online responses are safe from hacking and other cyberthreats.

The Census Bureau takes strong precautions to keep online responses secure. All data submitted online are encrypted to protect personal privacy, and our cybersecurity program meets the highest and most recent standards for protecting personal information. Once the data are received, they are no longer online. From the moment the Census Bureau collects responses, our focus and legal obligation is to keep them safe.

The Census Bureau is committed to confidentiality

At the U.S. Census Bureau, they are committed to keeping your responses confidential. This commitment means it is safe to provide your answers and know that they will only be used to paint a statistical portrait of our nation and communities. Learn more about the Census Bureau’s data protection and privacy program at www.census.gov/privacy.


Sea contado durante el Censo del 2020

¿Ha oído hablar del Censo 2020? El censo comienza en marzo, y la biblioteca está haciendo correr la voz sobre la importancia del censo para el Condado de Mecklenburg. Una vez que la biblioteca se vuelva a abrir, puede completar el censo en las computadoras disponibles en todas las sucursales. Mientras tanto, puede completarlo en línea. Aquí hay información y recursos para ayudarlo a comprender el censo, por qué es importante y cómo puede completarlo.

El recuento del censo ayuda a aportar recursos valiosos a nuestra comunidad, como fondos federales para servicios como atención médica, educación y transporte. El censo es conveniente, seguro y obligatorio. Ayúdenos a hacerse contar visitando https://meckcounts2020.com/spanish/.

Complete el Censo 2020 aquí { https://my2020census.gov/}

Aquí encontrará las hojas de datos:

En inglés - https://meckcounts2020.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Approved-English-MeckCounts-2020-Fact-Sheet.pdf

En español - https://meckcounts2020.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/MeckCounts-2020-SPANISH-Fact-Sheet-10-14-19.pdf

Mire el video aquí:

En inglés - https://meckcounts2020.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Final-English-MeckCounts-2020-Educational-Video-sm.mp4

En español - https://meckcounts2020.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Final-Spanish-MeckCounts-2020-Educational-Video-Subtitles-sm.mp4

¿Por qué participar en el censo?

El Censo del 2020 es fácil. Las preguntas son simples. Las respuestas a las preguntas del censo brindan un retrato instantáneo de la nación. Los resultados del censo afectan su voz en el gobierno, cuánto financiamiento recibe su comunidad y cómo su comunidad planifica para el futuro.

Cuando completa el censo, ayuda a:

  • determinar cuántos representantes obtiene su estado en el Congreso
  • informar cómo se distribuyen más de $675 mil millones en fondos federales a los estados y a las comunidades cada año
  • crear empleos, proporcionar viviendas, prepararse para emergencias y construir escuelas, carreteras y hospitales

El Censo del 2020 solicitará la siguiente información:

Número de personas en su hogar

A través de esta pregunta se recopila un recuento exacto del número de personas que están viviendo en cada hogar el 1ero de abril del 2020, conocido como el Día del Censo. Cada década, los resultados del censo determinan cuántos representantes obtiene su estado en el Congreso. Los funcionarios estatales y locales utilizan los recuentos censales para definir los límites de los distritos legislativos congresionales y estatales, y los distritos escolares.

Cualquier persona adicional que viva o se quede en su hogar

El objetivo es contar a las personas en los EE.UU. una vez, solo una vez, y en el lugar correcto de acuerdo con el lugar donde viven el Día del Censo. Teniendo en cuenta este objetivo, se hace esta pregunta para garantizar que todos los que viven en cada hogar sean contados.

Propietario / Arrendatario

Se le pregunta si es propietario o inquilino para crear estadísticas sobre la propiedad de la vivienda y los inquilinos. Las tarifas de alquiler y propiedad de vivienda sirven como un indicador de la economía de la nación y ayudan a administrar los programas de vivienda y a informar las decisiones de planificación.

Número de teléfono

Se solicita el número de teléfono en caso de que el censo necesite contactarlo. Su número nunca será compartido, y solo lo contactaremos si es necesario para asuntos oficiales de la Oficina del Censo.


Sus respuestas

Sus respuestas al Censo del 2020 son seguras y protegidas por la ley federal. Sus respuestas solo se pueden usar para generar estadísticas; no se pueden usar en su contra de ninguna manera. Por ley, todas las respuestas a las encuestas de hogares y empresas de la Oficina del Censo de EE. UU. Se mantienen completamente confidenciales.

Responda al Censo del 2020 para dar forma al futuro

Responder al censo ayuda a las comunidades a obtener los fondos que necesitan y ayuda a las empresas a tomar decisiones basadas en datos que hacen crecer a la economía. Los datos del censo influyen en nuestra vida diaria, aportando información para tomar decisiones importantes sobre el financiamiento de servicios e infraestructura en su comunidad, incluyendo atención médica, centros para personas de la tercera edad, empleos, representación política, carreteras, escuelas y negocios. Más de $675 mil millones de fondos federales se distribuyen a los estados y a las comunidades locales basándose en los datos del censo.

Sus respuestas al censo está seguras y a salvo

La Oficina del Censo está obligada por ley a proteger toda la información personal que se recopile y a mantenerla en estricta confidencialidad. La Oficina del Censo puede usar sus respuestas solo para producir estadísticas. De hecho, cada uno de los empleados de la Oficina del Censo presta un juramento para proteger su información personal de por vida. Sus respuestas no se pueden usar para fines del cumplimiento de la ley o para determinar su elegibilidad personal para beneficios del gobierno.

Por ley, sus respuestas no pueden ser utilizadas en su contra

Por ley, sus respuestas al censo no pueden ser usadas en su contra de ninguna manera por ninguna agencia del gobierno ni tribunal—ni por el Buró Federal de Investigaciones (FBI), ni por la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA), ni por el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS), ni por el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas de los EE. UU. (ICE). La ley exige a la Oficina del Censo mantener confidencial su información y usar sus respuestas solo

para producir estadísticas.

No hay excepciones

La ley exige a la Oficina del Censo mantener confidencial la información de todas las personas. Por ley, sus respuestas no pueden ser usadas en su contra de ninguna manera por ninguna agencia del gobierno o tribunal. La Oficina del Censo no compartirá las respuestas de ninguna persona con las agencias de inmigración o las agencias encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley, ni permitirá que esa información se use para determinar la elegibilidad para beneficios del gobierno. El Título 13 deja muy claro que la información que recopilemos se puede usar solo para propósitos estadísticos—no podemos permitir que se use para nada más, incluyendo el cumplimiento de la ley

La opción es suya: usted puede responder de manera segura por internet, por teléfono o por correo.

Usted tendrá la opción de responder por internet, por correo o por teléfono. Un censista visitará los hogares que no respondan de una de estas maneras para recopilar la información en persona. La ley protege su información personal, sin importar cómo responda.

Sus respuestas en línea están a salvo de la piratería (hacking) y otras amenazas cibernéticas.

La Oficina del Censo toma rigurosas precauciones para mantener seguras las respuestas por internet. Todos los datos que se envían por internet son cifrados para proteger la privacidad personal, y nuestro programa de seguridad cibernética cumple con los estándares más exigentes y recientes para proteger la información personal. Una vez que se reciben los datos, ya no permanecen en línea. Desde el momento en que la Oficina del Censo recopila las respuestas, nuestro objetivo y obligación legal es mantenerlas seguras.

La Oficina del Censo está comprometida a mantener la confidencialidad.

La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU., está absolutamente comprometida a mantener confidenciales sus respuestas. Este compromiso significa que es seguro responder al censo sabiendo que sus respuestas solo se usarán para pintar un retrato estadístico de nuestra nación y sus comunidades. Averigüe más sobre el programa de protección de datos y privacidad de la Oficina del Censo en www.census.gov/privacy.