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Mental Health and the Black Community

Mental Health and the Black Community

November 9, 2020

This blog was written as part of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Black Lives Matter program initiative. Learn  more about the program and corresponding events here.

In the wake of current events, it’s important to take steps every day to better mental health and maintain overall wellness. Mental health is especially important as the holiday season approaches, especially during a time when the U.S. has faced an overwhelming force of injustices.

For this reason, I sat with Nicole Starks, a licensed mental health therapist in Charlotte, to discuss how to begin to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental health in the Black community. She shared her expertise on implementing self-care in our daily lives as there are so many things that the Black community must tackle daily. Ms. Starks knew from a young age that she wanted to help people. In college, she obtained an undergraduate degree in psychology and received a graduate degree in mental health counseling. Ms. Starks has spent most of her career working with children in underserved communities. Currently, she works as a mental health therapist at an adolescent residential psychiatric facility. 

The first topic we addressed was the stigma surrounding mental health in the Black community. Ms. Starks grew up in a small southern town where it was considered taboo to seek mental health help. She reflected on how embarrassing it was growing up to admit she needed help managing her mental health. She outgrew that viewpoint and began to bust the myths surrounding mental health in the Black community.

“We can’t operate at our fullest capacity without maintaining our mental health and wellness,” Ms. Starks explains. She adds, "Our thoughts and feelings affect [our] everyday perspective, and there is nothing wrong with seeking help.” Ms. Starks adds, “If our mental health is diminished in any way, we must seek help to shift our mindset. And honestly, by seeking assistance, we are making the best decision for our overall wellness.”

Tending to your mental health every day as a Black person is a necessity. Ms. Starks explains that “our community has suffered and been through trauma since our ancestors arrived in this country. We are still dealing with the effects of transgenerational trauma today and taking care of your mental health is a part of transforming the mindset away from trauma.”  

The year 2020 has been heavy and we must find ways to deal. Ms. Starks shares tips that we can all use to maintain overall mental wellness. These tips are especially vital as we approach the holiday season:

  • Don’t be in denial about needing help – be open to seeking and receiving it
  • Understand that seeking assistance doesn’t make you weak or indicate something is wrong with you
  • Find a mental health therapist today

Seasonal depression (or holiday blues) is a real thing. So, as we approach these colder months, Ms. Starks recommends we lean on our community. Be vulnerable when you need to and find creative ways to stay connected to those that we love. Lastly, she shared that we should stay away from social media as much as possible and use our free time to invest in ourselves. 

A significant way to begin to invest in ourselves is to implement self-care in our daily lives. Ms. Starks says, “Self-care is vital to how we function, and it allows us to be in tune with ourselves. By being in tune with ourselves, we can recognize and address our daily wellness needs. It (self-care) doesn’t have to be extravagant and can be as simple as taking a nap or planning a trip. We must find time to figure out what makes us feel at peace and recharge. Self-care allows us to take a moment to get reconnected with ourselves and maintain the motivation needed to continue each day. Lastly, that discovering a new hobby or merely treating yourself defines the best self-care for you.”

We concluded our conversation by discussing how we can support the people we love who may struggle with their mental health. She reminded me “It is ok for us not to have the answers and ask what is needed. We should listen without judgment and be a shoulder. Avoid comparing situations and never minimize suffering. We must understand that we all have different mental capacities. To show support, we should validate others’ experiences and feelings, and we all must recognize that this is all a normal part of life.” 

The best thing we can do for ourselves is to take a step every day to maintain our mental health. Ms. Starks shared some great tips we all could implement in our daily lives. To close, she left me with a game-changing tip: We must remember that we cannot help others if we are unwilling to help ourselves. 

Interviewee: Nicole Starks, MA, LCMHCA

Official Job Title: Mental Health Therapist


This blog was written by Cearra Harris at West Boulevard Library.

Staff approves of renaming SouthPark Regional Library

What the renaming of SouthPark Regional Means to Me

November 9, 2020

This blog was written as part of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Black Lives Matter program initiative. Learn  more about the program and corresponding events here.

In October 2020, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library announced it was changing the name of the Morrison Regional Library to SouthPark Regional Library. Through a collaboration between staff, the Board of Trustees and the family of the late Governor Cameron A. Morrison, the name change better aligns to the Library’s stance on racism and addressing equity and inclusion within the community. While this change may seem minor to some, the journey to get this point is the champion story. It shows how the Library has always been at the forefront of addressing injustices and implementing strategies to address them immediately within their own workspaces.

As part of the equity and inclusion activities, a team of Library staff carefully assessed more than 200 artifacts, commemorations, namings and special occasions throughout Library system. The goal in the search was to document any instances in which the library was involved with promoting or influencing systematic oppression. The team identified and presented thos examples to the Library Board of Trustees who approved 10 for replacement or removal.

To understand the impact of the change, read the history from the Library’s Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room on Governor Cameron Morrison here.

So now that we know who Gov. Morrison was, why bother with the name change? The name could have stayed the same for all anybody cared as his actions were conducted one hundred years ago. For me, I think the biggest win in this renaming is that we see an actionable task being done with the intention to address systematic racism. In a world where companies say Black Lives Matter, maybe for no other reason than to maintain their current standing with their clientele, to actually see action in process beyond the upheaval of emotional moments that generate protest gives me hope for what is to come. While the name change may be viewed as a small action by some, I view it as a win for Library users to know there is a commitment from staff and administration to address ways the Library can work to provide awareness, information and resources on equity and inclusion, as well as to break barriers through immediate action. While the action may be insignificant to some, I ask that you consider the process, the journey and the future impact.

And just to think, it all started at the Library.




This blog was written by Zuri Davenport at Allegra Westbrooks Regional Library.

New Engage 2020 Storywalk with the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.

Family fun outdoors with Engage 2020 Storywalk

November 9, 2020

Looking for safe, outdoor activities this season that are fun for the whole family?

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is offering the perfect active reading experience through Storywalk in local parks. This autumn all Storywalk experiences support the Library’s Engage 2020 civic engagement initiative. These are a great way to start a conversation with your child about the importance of making their voice heard and being an engaged citizen within our community all while enjoying a book and time outdoors.

What is a Storywalk?

Storywalk is an innovative and interactive way for readers of all ages to enjoy a story and the outdoors at the same time. Laminated pages from a children’s picture book are displayed on special display posts along an outdoor path in a park. As you stroll down the trail, you are directed to the next page in the story. Storywalk engages young readers and is a great way to practice Active Reading skills with special activities highlighted along with the story.

The children’s books currently featured in our Engage 2020 Storywalk focus on topics such as the voting process, civic engagement, and how even our youngest people can make a difference in our community. Engage 2020 Storywalk will feature these books at the following local parks:

With each park featuring a different Storywalk book, why not make this a weekly family adventure by visiting all five Storywalk in Mecklenburg County? Discover what each local park has to offer, pack your own lunch, experience a Storywalk, and make a day of it in the great outdoors!

Let us know how well you enjoyed each Storywalk by sharing your experiences in this survey: http://bit.ly/librarystorywalk

Interested in learning more about Engage 2020?  Click here for more information.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room houses the America’s Four Hundredth Anniversary Committee Records, 1982-1989, which are only available for virtual research due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Behind the Vault Doors: America’s Four Hundredth Anniversary Committee Records

November 11, 2020

Materials in this collection are dated 1982-1989 and concern the commemoration of the three Roanoke Voyages from 1584-1587. These voyages, sponsored by Sir Walter Raleigh, began with two exploratory investigations of the present-day North Carolina coast, and ended with the birth of the first English child in the New World, Virginia Dare.











Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1554-1618, by Jacobus Houbraken.

Courtesy of Artware Fineart.


Born on August 18, 1587 in the Roanoke Colony, Virginia Dare was the first English child born in the New World. She was born to Ananias Dare and Eleanor Dare. The Roanoke Colony is located in present-day North Carolina and was successfully established in a third expedition led by Dare’s grandfather, Governor John White. Shortly after Dare’s birth in 1587, Governor White set sail for England to return with more supplies. The journey was supposed to have only lasted for three months, but due to the Spanish Armada attack in 1588, White was delayed for three years. When he returned to the Roanoke Colony, he found it abandoned with no clues as to what happened to the settlers he left behind three years prior. With so much mystery surrounding the Lost Colony of Roanoke and the fate of Virginia Dare, she has become a popular figure in American culture and folklore.

To commemorate the Roanoke voyages, the 1973 North Carolina General Assembly created the America’s Four Hundredth Anniversary Committee at the state level and charged members with planning and carrying out celebrations and events from April 27, 1984 (400th anniversary of the start of the first voyage) to August 18, 1987 (Virginia Dare’s 400th birthday). All counties in North Carolina were invited to create their own committees, and most, including Mecklenburg County, did so, focusing on their own local history as well as that of the state.









Press Kit with Logo for America’s Four Hundredth Anniversary

Courtesy of the Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room


Mecklenburg County’s Four Hundredth Anniversary Committee was chaired by Charlotte attorney David H. Henderson, who, alongside a committee of prominent community figures, worked to develop events showcasing early Mecklenburg County and North Carolina history. These files contain a great deal of information on the formation of the committee, any difficulties and successes they encountered, and projects proposed and executed.

The Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room houses the America’s Four Hundredth Anniversary Committee Records, 1982-1989, which are only available for virtual research due to the COVID-19 crisis. Contact the Carolina Room’s Archivist for more information on how to access this collection: (704) 416-0150 or [email protected].

Stay connected while staying home with online programming from the Library.

Online Programming from the Library - Week of 11/16/20

November 12, 2020

Did you know that you can continue to stay connected to the Library while staying home? How would you like to participate in a virtual storytime with your family or receive resume help all from the comfort of your couch? Join Charlotte Mecklenburg Library every week for a wide range of online programming for children, teens and adults. See a complete listing of this upcoming programming for the week of 11/16/2020 below. Click the corresponding links for more information and register for programs where applicable.

Learn more about online programming by clicking here

Monday 11/16

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian - Nonprofit Services – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Parent Lunch and Learn: Selecting the Best Books for Your Children and Grandchildren – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Mindful Mondays - Guided Relaxation and Meditation – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian – Technology – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 4 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Stronger Together: Support for your Job Search – 4 p.m.  (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 5 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Murderino Book Club – 7 p.m.  (Adult programming)  register


Tuesday 11/17       

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12:30 p.m. (Adult programming)  register 

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

Nonprofit Services: Intro to Finding Grants – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 4 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 5 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Virtual Family Literacy Night! – 6 p.m.  (Adult programming)  register


Wednesday 11/18

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Active Reading Family Workshop – 10 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian – Technology – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 4 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 5 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

College Basics: What You Need to Know with UNCC Levine Scholars – 6 p.m.  (Adult programming)  register


Thursday 11/19

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Library Resources to Enhance Your Child's Learning – 10 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)  register 

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12:30 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3:30 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 4 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 5 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register


Friday 11/20

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Mindful Friday- Meditation for Wellness – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3:30 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register


Saturday 11/21

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register


Teens only: Find your place at the Library!

November 12, 2020

Are you a Mecklenburg County teen ? You’re welcome at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library! If you’re wondering just what you'll find at your local Library, the answer is simple: You can find fun, resources, a social community and adventure!

Our Teen Services team is here to provide dynamic programs, resources and services to anyone ages 12-18. We are dedicated to helping you become the best version of yourself, while also supporting your academic, personal development and leisure interests. Although branches aren’t currently open for in-person programs, when they are, we have spaces in every branch where teens can read, work on schoolwork, hang out, create and more.

Until we can see you face-to-face (and we hope that’s soon), here are some ways you can claim your space – virtually – at the Library, for FREE, with your Library card or ONE Access ID number:

  • First,  GET SOCIAL - Connect with us on Instagram at @CMLibraryTeens, launching December 10, 2020, to be a part of many fun and important conversations. CMLibraryTeens is a safe place, exclusively for teens, to connect with their favorite Teen Services staff and peers. It's also a place for book hauls, talks, games, live programs and more. Don't miss out!

    Follow us here. 

  • Dive into Digital Resources – There’s no reason to be bored in the house and in the house bored. Click here to discover our comprehensive digital resource guide and find everything you need from homework help to free music. You can even access e-books, e-audiobooks, comics, movies and tv shows and more. What could be cooler than that? Possibly a polar bear's toenail!

  • Find bookish friends – There are no one-size-fits-all book clubs here. Whether you’re into social justice, anime, LGBTQIA+ interests, Manga or more, there is a virtual book club for you. Click here to find your type of book people.

  • Explore Young Adult + Teen Reads – Find books in print, audiobook, e-book and e-audiobook format that are written just for you. From romance and fantasy to Latinx voices and mystery spy adventures, there is a book for every interest!

  • Attend a virtual program – Want to turn your art into activism? Interested in learning how to play chess or start a game of Dungeons & Dragons? Find your next favorite program here on the Library events calendar.

  • Prepare for your future - We look forward to hanging out with you at the Library! - Our College & Career Connections program is designed with YOU in mind.  This includes free programs and workshops by experts in the field with topics ranging from financial aid to applications, admissions essays, and even services such as free SAT and ACT practice tests offered by The Princeton Review.  In addition, we have a brand-new road map to help you answer three very important questions – Who am I? What do I want to do? and How will I get there? Click here to figure it out! 


We look forward to hanging out with you soon!

This series inspires students to get involved by celebrating the voices and accomplishments of young Black women who are active in civic engagement locally. In our first segment, photography is explored as a form of civic engagement that kids can particip

Lift Ev'ry Voice, civic engagement for young people

November 16, 2020

This blog was written as part of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Black Lives Matter program initiative. Learn  more about the program and corresponding events here.

Civic engagement is multifaceted – it takes on a different look for each person who practices it. The Lift Ev’ry Voice series helps kids find a form of civic engagement that is as unique as they are – something that really speaks to them. This series inspires students to get involved by celebrating the voices and accomplishments of young Black women who are active in civic engagement locally. In our first segment, photography is explored as a form of civic engagement that kids can participate in.

Ryann, an eight-year-old entrepreneur, interviewed Sabrina Robinson, a local civil rights photographer, and videographer. Ryann owns Ryann Bella Boutique, an online store that offers clothing for “young divas,” BLM t-shirts in all sizes, and COVID masks. She was also the keynote speaker for The Children’s March in Charlotte.

Sabrina is a graduate of Winston-Salem State University with a degree in art and a concentration in computer graphics and animation. She received an award from the NC College Media Association for illustration/graphic/cartoon and the Statue of David for photography. Sabrina’s work has been featured in national and international publications.

Examples of Sabrina’s moving photography and Ryann’s insightful comments are sure to inspire kids to find their own brand of civic engagement.   


Click here for more information about photography resources for kids and teens available free at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.

In this election year, the Library is partnering with the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) offering programs like this one to encourage everyone to look back at what has been accomplished in the past and to move forward with empowerment to make a difference in one's own community. To learn more about Engage 2020, click here.

Stay connected while staying home with online programming from the Library.

Online Programming from the Library - Week of 11/23/20

November 18, 2020

Did you know that you can continue to stay connected to the Library while staying home? How would you like to participate in a virtual storytime with your family or receive resume help all from the comfort of your couch? Join Charlotte Mecklenburg Library every week for a wide range of online programming for children, teens and adults. See a complete listing of this upcoming programming for the week of 11/23/2020 below. Click the corresponding links for more information and register for programs where applicable.

Learn more about online programming by clicking here


Monday 11/23

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Book a Librarian - Nonprofit Services – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Parent Lunch and Learn: Family Literacy Tips – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Mindful Mondays - Guided Relaxation and Meditation – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian – Technology – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 4 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

Stronger Together: Support for your Job Search – 4 p.m.  (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 5 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

True Crime Podcast Discussion Group – 7 p.m.  (Adult programming)   register


Tuesday 11/24       

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12:30 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Active Reading Training for Caregivers of Students in Grades K-3 – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 4 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 5 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register


Wednesday 11/25

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Active Reading Family Workshop Part 2 – 10 a.m. (Adult programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian – Technology – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 4 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 5 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register


Thursday 11/26


Friday 11/27


Saturday 11/28


Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals at the Library

Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals at the Library

November 25, 2020

Looking to score that new best-seller this holiday season? Do you need to save big on learning a new language? What about courses designed to take your Microsoft skills to the next level? The Library has all that and more, for FREE.




Get FREE online resources on Cyber Monday (and every day!)

Did you know that the Library offers an extensive collection of FREE digital downloads for e-readers and mobile devices, including e-books, e-audiobooks, e-magazines, music and movies?

Are you purchasing a new device for your loved one this holiday? Load it up with these amazing resources - all you need is a library card!

OverDrive/libby offers access to FREE e-books and e-audiobooks. Interested in seeing content for Kids or Teens?  Check out our Kids Collection and Teen Collection.

hoopla allows you to instantly borrow FREE e-books, e-comics, e-audiobooks, movies, TV series and music that can be streamed or downloaded to your mobile device. And there's no need to worry about late fees; hoopla features an automated service that returns your item once your time is up

Freegal Music is a downloadable music service that offers access to Sony Music's catalog of legendary artists. Cardholders can download five FREE songs a week - and you get to keep the songs in your music library!

Kanopy has a vast array of independent films, documentaries, children’s movies and free access to the Great Courses? It’s true and FREE with your library card!

Mango Languages is a FREE language-learning software with over 70 world language courses and over 17 ESL/ELL courses, featuring an engaging user interface, voice comparison, fresh design, foreign language films, and cultural anecdotes.

RBdigital Magazines provides access to current issues of popular magazines to read on your computer, tablet or mobile device. You guessed it - for FREE!

Don't forget our online programming for adults, teens, and children. There's something for everyone in your family!

This sale is too good not to share. Let your friends and family in on the secret and tell them to get a library card here

Stay connected while staying home with online programming from the Library.

Online Programming from the Library - Week of 11/30/20

November 25, 2020

Did you know that you can continue to stay connected to the Library while staying home? How would you like to participate in a virtual storytime with your family or receive resume help all from the comfort of your couch? Join Charlotte Mecklenburg Library every week for a wide range of online programming for children, teens and adults. See a complete listing of this upcoming programming for the week of 11/30/2020 below. Click the corresponding links for more information and register for programs where applicable.

Learn more about online programming by clicking here

Monday 11/30

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn more

Book a Librarian - Nonprofit Services – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Mindful Mondays - Guided Relaxation and Meditation – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian – Technology – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 4 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Stronger Together: Support for your Job Search – 4 p.m.  (Adult programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 5 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Learning Circle: Childhood in the Digital Age – 6 p.m.  (Adult programming)  register


Tuesday 12/1       

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn more

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12:30 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 4 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 5 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Murderino Book Club – 7 p.m.  (Adult programming)  register


Wednesday 11/25

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn more

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian – Technology – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 4 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 5 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register


Thursday 12/3

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn more

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12:30 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 4 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 4 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 5 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 5 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 6 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Caregiver Class: Active Reading Training for Caregivers of K-3 Students – 6 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 6 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register


Friday 12/4

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 12 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Mindful Friday- Meditation for Wellness – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)  register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register


Saturday 12/5

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   Learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register