All Library locations and book drops will be closed on July 4.  

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Online activities for teens to do at home

June 1, 2020

It seemed like the school year would never end, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel!  To be sure you don’t get bored, download our interactive calendar that is filled with engaging online activities for teens to do at home. 

  • Celebrate National Egg Day by watching How to Not Crack an Egg.
  • Honor Donald Duck’s birthday by visiting and learning how to draw cartoon characters.
  • On National Best Friend Day, explore Mango Languages and learn a new language with a friend. 
  • Try your problem-solving skills at the Digital Escape Rooms.
  • On Let it Go Day, seek non-judgmental advice from Teen Health & Wellness.

Explore, discover and enjoy learning something new! You can take virtual tours, prepare for college and your career, learn how to play the guitar and/or participate in STEM activities. It’s all just a click away.

If you catch yourself doing any of the suggested activities, be sure to tag us on social media @cmlibrary.

To access the Library’s resources from home, you must have your ONE Access ID number, Library card number and PIN.

Ready to explore? Download our June online activities calendar today!

Stay connected while staying home with virtual programming from the Library.

Virtual Programming from the Library - Week of 6/8/20

June 4, 2020

Did you know that you can continue to stay connected to the Library while staying home? How would you like to participate in a virtual storytime with your family or receive resume help all from the comfort of your couch? Join Charlotte Mecklenburg Library every week for a wide range of virtual programming for children, teens and adults. See a complete listing of this upcoming programming for the week of 6/8/2020 below. Click the corresponding links for more information and register for programs where applicable.

Learn more about online programming by clicking here


Monday 6/8

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Online Listen and Move Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

French for Beginners – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children’s programming)  REGISTER

Mindful Mondays – 12 p.m. (Adult programming) REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming) Register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Book a Librarian – Technology – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Traditional Storytelling – 3 p.m. (Children’s programming)  REGISTER


Tuesday 6/9              

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Aprendiendo Juntos en Casa – 10 a.m. (information to be emailed to prior participants)

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 10 a.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Cuentos Virtuales en Español - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)    Learn more

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)   REGISTER

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Engage 2020: Learning Circles: Women Have Always Worked (Part 2) – 11 a.m.  (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Creating Virtual Resumes with the Job Help Center – 1 p.m. (Teen and Adult programming) REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.  REGISTER

Story Explorers Enrichment – 2 p.m.   (Children's programming)  Register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Anime Club – 3 p.m.  (Teen programming)  Register

Traditional Storytelling – 3 p.m. (Children’s programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Spanish Conversation Club – 5 p.m. (Adult programming)  Register

Active Reading Training for Caregivers of K-3 Students – 6 p.m.   Register


Wednesday 6/10

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Bridging the Social Distance: A Community Conversation – 10 a.m. (Adult programming)   Register

Online Listen and Move Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Learning Circle: Getting Started with Microsoft Excel - 1 p.m.  (Adult programming)  Register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Finding Home: A Community Conversation – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  Register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.  REGISTER

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER  

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Engage 2020: School Age Stories – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER


Thursday 6/11

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Write Like You Mean It – 10 a.m. (Adult programming)  Register

Aprendiendo Juntos en Casa – 10 a.m. (information to be emailed to prior participants)

Cuentos Virtuales en Español - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn more

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Creating Virtual Resumes with the Job Help Center – 1 p.m. (Adult and Teen programming) REGISTER

Spanish Conversation Club – 1 p.m. (Adult programming)   Register

Active Reading Training for Caregivers of 2-5 year olds – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)   Register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   REGISTER

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER 

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Elevator Pitch (Virtual) - 3 p.m. (Adult programming)  Register

Book Talk: Children's - 3 p.m. (Children's programming)  Register

Spanish Conversation Club – 6 p.m. (Adult programming)  Register

English Conversation Club - 7 p.m. (Adult programming)  Register


Friday 6/12

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Nonprofit Services Coffee & Conversation – 10 a.m. (Adult programming)  Register

Baby Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn more

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  REGISTER

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER 

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register  

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.  REGISTER

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER  

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 


Saturday 6/13

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  LEARN MORE

Learning Circle: The Science of Wellbeing – 9:30 a.m.  (Adult programming) REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Register  

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's College & Career Connections has a new career exploration podcast for teens.

Charlotte teens can explore careers through a brand new podcast

June 5, 2020

With the vast number of careers available, it can be hard for teens to decide on a career path, let alone know which careers best suit them. Charlotte Mecklenburg Library’s College & Career Connections team has put together a podcast series interviewing a wide variety of professionals in the workforce. Most of the interviews are with professionals working in Charlotte, and each person gives an account of what steps led them to their career and offers advice for anyone interested in pursuing that path. 

Some of the interviews include: 

Dekina, Shelter Community Manager with Charlotte Family Housing - Dekina gives an account of managing the shelter phase of the Charlotte Family Housing program. She discusses the how rewarding her job is when she can change a person’s circumstance “with a simple act or simple words of encouragement.” The changes she can see in other people’s lives is the most meaningful aspect of her job. 

Michael, a College Counselor at Central Piedmont - Michael talks about counseling and advising students at CPCC. He works one-on-one with students doing academic coaching as well as mental health counseling. He discusses the need to remain organized every time he meets with a student. Writing is very important for his career as well as self-reflection. 

Isaiah, a Travel Nurse - Isaiah discusses what it is like to be a travel nurse in North Carolina and outside the state. He works as a nurse with short contracts with different hospitals depending on which area he would like to go to. His job is very rewarding with the connection he makes with his patients. He also gives some advice for everyone to keep them healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Tyler, a Cash Management Accountant - Tyler works for a hospital chain in Charlotte as a Cash Management Accountant. He likes the structure that comes with this type of position, and his career requires a lot of detail-oriented work. He discusses how he started out as a Pharmacy Major in college and then discovered a passion for accounting, while taking accounting courses. He wants to debunk the myth the Accountants are boring; he shares how much fun he and his coworkers have. 

Amrita, an Outreach Coordinator for Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - Amrita has a unique position in the Library system. Within the Outreach department, she spends her time mostly in the community providing Library services and programming. She works with a wide variety of people and age ranges. Her day could be doing a “storytime for kids or book clubs and reading groups for school age children” as well as "sensory programming for adults, teaching technology programs, providing discussion groups for adults who are unable to read and write”. She says her job is a “really worthy challenge” which she and her coworkers gets excited by. 

For the rest of the Career Exploration Spotlights, please visit our Teen Services Digital Branch. 

For more information about future planning for teens, please visit our College and Career Connections website. 

Welcome to Week 2 of Summer Break

Welcome to Week 2 of Summer Break!

June 8, 2020

Welcome to Week Two of Summer Break: At Home! We hope that your summer is off to a great start and you are recording all the time you have spent reading and learning. New this year is a two-part summer challenge - Summer Break: At Home (June 1-30) and Summer Break: Reading Takes You Everywhere (July 1 – August 8).  

Looking for Reading Suggestions?  

Description automatically generated" src="" style="border:none;vertical-align:baseline;width:134px;height:99px;" unselectable="on">We all know that reading is important, but did you know that children and teens who do not read over the summer may experience 2-3 months of learning loss by the time school starts back in the fall? This summer that will be felt more than ever as most children have not been in a school learning environment since March. Reading is just as important for adults as it keeps adult brains flexible and nimble. Plus, adults who read serve as great role models for kids. That is why the Library recommends 20 minutes of reading per day for everyone – of all ages – all summer long. 

We know it can be hard to come up with a great list of books to read, so library staff are here to help! We have created new lists for summer 2020 for kids, teens and adults so you can keep your brains active. These recommended reading lists can be found on our website at (After you register for an account or Sign In, select “Recommendations” in the menu on the top left.) This summer you can also sign-up to receive book recommendations though our Summer Break site. Keep reading and remember to record your time on your Summer Break account. 

CMLibrary Suggests: Happy Birthday Storytime for Toddlers or Preschoolers 

Cornelius Branch Library celebrates 90 years in the town of Cornelius and 20 years in our current building! These birthday stories and songs are perfect for toddlers or preschoolers. 

CMLibrary Suggests: Graphic Novels for Raina Telgemeier Fans

If you loved Smile, Sisters, Guts, Drama or Ghost by Raina Telgemeier, you will also likely enjoy these other graphic novels! Great for grades 3rd-6th. 

CMLibrary Suggests: Books for Boys (8-11) 

Have you read all the DOG MAN books and need something that'll tickle that same funny bone? Check out some of these digital resources. 

Exciting Programs 

Exciting Programs - This summer the library is hosting some wonderful virtual programs this summer as well. Check out the available programming on the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library calendar.

Are you having problems with the Summer Break 2020 website or your account? Do you have questions about the program? Do you have a wonderful story about the library and Summer Break? Feel free to chat with us online, call your local branch or email us at [email protected] for help or feedback.   

The 2020 Summer Break program is brought to you by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library with additional support from Wendy’s and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation.   


Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Engage 2020 hosts educator, historian, and scholar Brenda Tindal.

Engage 2020: Summer Series with Historian Brenda Tindal

June 9, 2020

This summer, as part of Engage 2020 programming, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library will introduce a Summer Series in which historians, professors, activists, and community members will provide thought-provoking virtual presentations online through our website and social media channels.

Engage 2020 seeks to bring diverse audiences together through facilitated conversations around important civic issues.  Historian Brenda Tindal will be our first presenter on Monday, June 15 at 7 p.m.  Please join us for her presentation, Sister Soul-diers: African American Women and the Long Civil/Human Rights Struggles, in which Tindal discusses African American women and their long civil and human rights struggles—with a focus on elevating the experiences and voices of the African American women whose activism and advocacy shaped national social justice discourses from the 19th through the 21st centuries.

Brenda Tindal is an awarding-winning educator, scholar, and museum practitioner.  She currently serves as director of education and engagement at the International African American Museum in Charleston, SC.  Her previous positions include director of education at the Detroit Historical Society, and staff historian and senior vice president of research and collections at the Levine Museum of the New South here in Charlotte, where she was the first woman and African American to serve in these roles.

Tindal’s presentation will be streamed live on the Library’s Facebook page and will be available afterward for viewing.  We hope you will join the conversation. See event details here.

Stay connected while staying home with virtual programming from the Library.

Virtual Programming from the Library - Week of 6/15/20

June 10, 2020

Did you know that you can continue to stay connected to the Library while staying home? How would you like to participate in a virtual storytime with your family or receive resume help all from the comfort of your couch? Join Charlotte Mecklenburg Library every week for a wide range of virtual programming for children, teens and adults. See a complete listing of this upcoming programming for the week of 6/15/2020 below. Click the corresponding links for more information and register for programs where applicable.

Learn more about online programming by clicking here

Monday 6/15

Virtual Reading Buddies – 9 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Online Listen and Move Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn More

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

French for Beginners – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  Register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children’s programming)  register

Mindful Mondays – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Book a Librarian – Technology – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Traditional Storytelling – 3 p.m. (Children’s programming)  learn more


Tuesday 6/16              

Virtual Reading Buddies – 9 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Cuentos Virtuales en Español - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Engage 2020: Learning Circles: Women Have Always Worked (Part 2) – 11 a.m.  (Adult programming)  register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Creating Virtual Resumes with the Job Help Center – 1 p.m. (Teen and Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Active Reading Training for Caregivers of 2-5 Year Olds  – 2 p.m.  (Adult programming)  register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

Story Explorers Enrichment – 2 p.m.   (Children's programming)  register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Anime Club – 3 p.m.  (Teen programming)  register

Traditional Storytelling – 3 p.m. (Children’s programming)  learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Spanish Conversation Club – 5 p.m. (Adult programming)   register


Wednesday 6/17

Virtual Reading Buddies – 9 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Bridging the Social Distance: A Community Conversation – 10 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Online Listen and Move Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn More

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Learning Circle: Getting Started with Microsoft Excel - 1 p.m.  (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  register  

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   Register  

Engage 2020: School Age Stories – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)  learn more

Teens LIVE: Career Conversations – 4 p.m. (Teen programming)  Learn more

Charlemos Charlotte: Spanish-English Language Exchange – 6:30 p.m. (Adult programming)  register


Thursday 6/18

Virtual Reading Buddies – 9 a.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  REGISTER

Write Like You Mean It – 10 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)   Register   

Cuentos Virtuales en Español - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   Register 

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Creating Virtual Resumes with the Job Help Center – 1 p.m. (Adult and Teen programming)  register  

Spanish Conversation Club – 1 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  register 

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Book Talk: Children's - 3 p.m. (Children's programming)  learn more

Teens LIVE: How to Make Candy Sushi – 6 p.m. (Teen programming)  learn more

Spanish Conversation Club – 6 p.m. (Adult programming)  register  

English Conversation Club - 7 p.m. (Adult programming)  register


Friday 6/19

Virtual Reading Buddies – 9 a.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Baby Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children's programming)  register  

Engage 2020: Juneteenth Lunch and Learn (Virtual) – 12 p.m. (Adult/Teen programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)  Register 

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Writers Conversation Hour – 7 p.m.  (Adult programming)  register


Saturday 6/20

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)   REGISTER

Learning Circle: The Science of Wellbeing – 9:30 a.m.  (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   Register

Put the fun back in summer learning with these cool activities from the Library

Exciting virtual summer activities from Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

June 12, 2020

Welcome to Week 3 of our Summer Break challenge: Summer Break: At Home! Did you know that people of all ages can participate in the Summer Break program? We hope that all the members of your family are having a great time participating and logging reading time and activities. Summer Break: At Home will run until June 30. Our next challenge Summer Break: Reading Takes You Everywhere starts July 1. If you have any questions about Summer Break, check out how the program works and sign up here

If you’re looking for even more fun learning activities to do this summer we have lots of suggestions! Check out our Digital Branch, Read Charlotte’s Reading Checkup, or our virtual programs. 

Digital Branch  

Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors, but if you are ready to beat the heat, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library has you covered. Stay in the cool air conditioning and access our digital branch any time! Available 24/7 here, the Digital Branch has a variety of offerings for all ages. Find fabulous reads, literacy extension activities, and Active Reading tips on the Storytime Train. Or tune in and try out one of our four podcasts. You can also view library programs or learn about library resources. The Digital Branch has something for everyone to enjoy, no matter the time or location! 

Reading Checkup with Read Charlotte 

Curious about your child’s reading level? It’s time for a Reading Checkup! Visit Read Charlotte’s new page for more information. This assessment tool is quick and completely free and will provide you with resources and activities specifically geared for your child’s reading level.  

Once you find or know your child’s reading level, you can find targeted activities here. Within these activities, you can tailor them to whether you can assist your child or your child can do it on their own. You can also adapt them to your child’s personality, interests, and behaviors.  

Exciting Programs  

This summer the library is hosting some wonderful programs online. Check out the available programming on the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library calendar.   

Comments? Questions?  

Are you having problems with the Summer Break 2020 website or your account? Do you have questions about the program? Do you have a wonderful story about the library and Summer Break? Feel free to chat with us online, call your local branch or email us at [email protected] for help or feedback.    

The 2020 Summer Break program is brought to you by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library with additional support from Wendy’s and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation.    

Library resources exploring social injustice and race relations

Library resources exploring social injustice and race relations

June 12, 2020

At Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, our mission is to improve lives and build a stronger community. Our staff focuses their work every day to accomplish this goal by providing the resources, spaces, information and materials to everyone in our community. Everyone is welcome in our libraries.

In late spring 2020, people across the city, state, nation and world gather in large and small groups to protest the murder of George Floyd and the ongoing problem of systemic racism and injustice. Even though many may be feeling helpless, the Library is committed to providing resources and events, to facilitate conversations and to encourage all voices to be heard. Here is a brief listing of the materials that explore social injustice and race relations.

The Library participated in a conversation on race with WSOC on Thursday, June 11 where Outreach Leader Meryle Leonard discussed 2019 Community Read and our featured title, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. You can view that show here

Print & Digital Resources

  1. Reading List on Library Website/Catalogue:
  • Black YA & LGBTQ
  • Race and racial awareness for parents
  • Black teens in America
  • Movies to educate yourself on racial justice
  • Board book featuring faces of color
  • The Skin I’m In
  • 24 race-related graphic novels
  • Picture books featuring African American boys
  • And many more.

Search and view all book lists here by searching “CMLibrary Suggests” and a keyword in the list search.

There are also curated anti-racism reading lists available through OverDrive.

  1. Book Club Kits & Book Bundles
    • The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
    • Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
    • Sorting Out the New South City by Thomas Hanchett
    • And more

Reserve a book club kit here.

  1.  Podcasts
    • Dianne English — The Ties That Bind: On Life and Meaning
    • Charles Thomas — A More Beautiful World: On Life and Meaning

Find a podcast here.






Programming & Outreach Events

  1. Book Clubs
    • Social Justice Book Club – The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
    • Adult Book Club - How to Be Antiracist by Abram X. Kendi
    • Engage 2020
  2. Learning Circles
  3. Coffee & Conversation
  4. Teen Summit: Boost for A Better Tomorrow
  5. The Robinson Spangler Carolina Room
  6. Black South Rising Watch Party and discussion
  7. Let’s Talk Together (CBI)

Find an event here in the calendar page.


Your support allows Charlotte Mecklenburg Library to quickly respond to unplanned needs with timely and relevant resources. Please consider making a gift to the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation to continue this important work.




















Charlotte Mecklenburg Library staff members participate in the 2019 Charlotte Pride Parade.

A proud perspective

June 16, 2020

One year ago, I attended my first pride festival, and it was one of the most transformative events I’ve ever attended in my life. I’m from a small town in South Carolina, and I was raised in a family of activists. Protesting and advocating for those that are facing injustices has always been a necessary way of life. The idea that if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything is embedded in my soul. My love for the community has transcended into my work as a teen librarian.

Even though I'm from a small town, I did not know what it meant to be a part of a true community until I moved to Charlotte. And while advocating for marginalized groups is vital, it is just as important to celebrate and show love to everyone. Charlotte is a melting pot of different people and cultures. As a librarian, I've been able to learn so much about how we're all working together to make the community a stronger and inclusive place where we can all thrive.

My first pride festival also marked the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. On June 28, 1969, the New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn which was a popular gay club located in Greenwich Village in New York City. The raid led to a riot and many protests. This uprising was one of the leading factors in the gay rights movement in the United States. And I felt honored and privileged to walk through the parade with my colleagues.

As I reminisce about that day I am flooded with happy memories. From dancing in the street with my coworkers to learning about other organizations fighting to make Charlotte inclusive, all I can do is smile because love radiated the air. As a librarian, I acknowledge that there is still a lot of work to be done in the community, and I’m proud that I was able to stand with my sisters and brothers and show my pride. 

At Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, our mission is to improve lives and build a stronger community. Our staff focuses their work every day to accomplish this goal by providing the resources, spaces, information and materials to everyone in our community. Everyone is welcome in our libraries.

While the Charlotte Pride Parade is cancelled this year, here are some great resources and book lists to help celebrate the month:

Happy Pride and Rainbow Read Month!

This blog was written by Cearra Harris with support from Laura Vallejo, both of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.