All Library locations and book drops will be closed on July 4.  


Through 20 locations, targeted outreach and online, the Library delivers exceptional services and programs, with a mission to create a community of readers and empower individuals with free access to information and the universe of ideas. Here are highlights of services you can find at your library.

Get To Know The Independence Regional Branch Community

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Get To Know The Independence Regional Branch Community

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem

Get To Know The Independence Regional Branch Community

Library Services

From reserving a room to chatting with a librarian, see how we can help!

  • Accessibility Services

    We strive to make the Library, our collections and services accessible to everyone in the community.

    See Accessibility Services
  • Interlibrary Loans

    If we don’t have the what you’re looking for, another library might!

    Learn How it Works
  • Library By Phone

    If we don’t have the what you’re looking for, another library might!

    Learn How it works
  • Proctoring Services

    Protoring services have been temporarily discontinued. Check back soon for more information.

    More on Proctoring Services
  • Reserve a Computer

    Computers are available for use by the public at all Library branches.

    Learn how to Reserve
  • Reserve a Meeting Room

    Meeting rooms are available at multiple locations. See details on how to reserve.

    Learn How to Reserve

Library Services

From reserving a room to chatting with a librarian, see how we can help!

    We strive to make the Library, our collections and services accessible to everyone in the community.

    If we don’t have the what you’re looking for, another library might!

    If we don’t have the what you’re looking for, another library might!

    Protoring services have been temporarily discontinued. Check back soon for more information.

    Computers are available for use by the public at all Library branches.

    Meeting rooms are available at multiple locations. See details on how to reserve.

      We strive to make the Library, our collections and services accessible to everyone in the community.

      If we don’t have the what you’re looking for, another library might!

      If we don’t have the what you’re looking for, another library might!

      Protoring services have been temporarily discontinued. Check back soon for more information.

      Computers are available for use by the public at all Library branches.

      Meeting rooms are available at multiple locations. See details on how to reserve.

      Service by Audience

      Whether you’re an adult learner, starting school, or planning out a business, there’s a service for you.

      • Adult Services

        Find online programming, learning circles, services for older adults and more.

        Learn How it works
      • Teen Services

        If we don’t have the what you’re looking for, another library might!

        Learn How it works
      • Childre's Services

        Let us help remind you when your library materials are overdue!

        Learn How it Works
      • Student Services

        Body copy about what the users can find in the this service. Goes for 2-3 lines of text.

        See All Student Services
      • Special Needs Services

        Body copy about what the users can find in the this service. Goes for 2-3 lines of text.

        Learn How to Reserve
      • Business Services

        Body copy about what the users can find in the this service. Goes for 2-3 lines of text.

        Learn How to Reserve
      • Employment Services

        Find online programming, learning circles, services for older adults and more.

        Learn How it Works
      • Non - Profit Services

        We strive to help teens be their best self from free homework help to support for college and careers.

        Learn how it works

      Service by Audience

      Whether you’re an adult learner, starting school, or planning out a business, there’s a service for you.

        Find online programming, learning circles, services for older adults and more.

        If we don’t have the what you’re looking for, another library might!

        Let us help remind you when your library materials are overdue!

        Body copy about what the users can find in the this service. Goes for 2-3 lines of text.

        Body copy about what the users can find in the this service. Goes for 2-3 lines of text.

        Body copy about what the users can find in the this service. Goes for 2-3 lines of text.

        Find online programming, learning circles, services for older adults and more.

        We strive to help teens be their best self from free homework help to support for college and careers.

          Find online programming, learning circles, services for older adults and more.

          If we don’t have the what you’re looking for, another library might!

          Let us help remind you when your library materials are overdue!

          Body copy about what the users can find in the this service. Goes for 2-3 lines of text.

          Body copy about what the users can find in the this service. Goes for 2-3 lines of text.

          Body copy about what the users can find in the this service. Goes for 2-3 lines of text.

          Find online programming, learning circles, services for older adults and more.

          We strive to help teens be their best self from free homework help to support for college and careers.

          For Mecklenburg Community

          See the latest Tiles added to our collection

          Don't see a service you're looking for

          Contact Us

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