All Library locations and book drops will be closed on July 4.  

Some Charlotte Mecklenburg Library volunteers serve from organizations such as Price Waterhouse Cooper.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library celebrates National Volunteer Week

April 16, 2020

Happy National Volunteer Week to the volunteers of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library!

We are grateful for every hand—and paw—that helps the Library fulfill our mission to improve lives and build a stronger community. Our volunteers are more than just book lovers and avid readers: they are ordinary people doing extraordinary things to create more connected, educated and literate neighborhoods and communities. This week-long national celebration highlights the enormous contributions that volunteers make every day as an integral part of Library operations.

Last year alone, 1,480 volunteers gave an impressive 54,605 hours to Library service – which is nearly 6,825 workdays! The Library thanks our volunteers for your dedication and support. We are honored to have you with us, bringing your exceptional energy and enthusiasm to the many roles you play at the Library as Reading Buddies, Technology Tutors, Circulation Helpers, Homework Helpers, our Paws to Read dogs and so much more.

Join the celebration

To celebrate, we will honor volunteers on our website and social media platforms during the week of April 19-25, 2020. Be sure to connect with the Library (@cmlibrary) on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter to follow along.

Are you a proud Library volunteer? We would love to hear from you! Join in on the fun by posting to social media a photo of yourself and a caption explaining your reason for serving. Please tag @cmlibrary and use the hashtags #cmlibrary, #cmlibraryvolunteer and #nvw (National Volunteer Week) so that we can give you a proper shout out.

We look forward to highlighting our amazing volunteers this week and would love to start by introducing you to a few of our volunteers:

Jenn Kwiatkowski & Koda, Paws to Read

Now that my kids are both in college, I found myself with a nurturing/maternal hole to fill and the time to do it. It was time to give back to my community. There is simply nothing more joyful than witnessing kids tackle words and stories in a setting that is specifically created to encourage readers of all levels. If children can't yet read, they can tell Koda a story based on what they see in the pictures or what they have in their minds. Koda doesn't care if the words or stories are correct, he's a nonjudgmental listener shamelessly waiting for a belly rub. Dogs have this unique way of changing the mood in a room. It's definitely less academic and more relaxed, which to me, is the perfect setting to tackle what can be for some, a challenge. Each story is typically rewarded with a high five and sometimes, if the Library isn't too busy, a few other tricks. I'm grateful to have the time for this program. Watching kids run off to pick just the right book to read to Koda, is good for the soul and the highlight of my week!”

Mariana Morini, Job Help Center  at Main Library

“At the library I have helped people using my computer skills, things that are extremely easy for me.  I know that made a huge difference for the customers. I learned at the same time I was helping. The Job Help Center has a lot of materials to help people prepare for work. I distributed the resource materials and used them during my job searches too.

I’m from Brazil. When I arrived in Charlotte, I didn’t think my English was good, but in the Library I found the confidence to talk more and improve my listening skills. This volunteering enriched my life when it gave me friends, confidence to speak English, and the opportunity to serve my community being who I am. At the Library I feel I am important!”


Matthew Wagner, South County Regional Library (in memoriam) 

The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library would like to remember beloved South County Regional Library volunteer Matthew Wagner who passed away December 16, 2019.

Matthew, who was born with a rare illness that didn't stop from him from loving or living his life to the fullest, had a larger-than-life-personality and kind heart, making friends wherever he went. Along with volunteering at South County Regional, Matt loved the joy of holidays, music, making art, baking, being outdoors and spending time with family.

Matt will be deeply missed, and remembered as our friend forever.


Click the video below to watch a message for our volunteers.