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Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's College & Career Connections has a new career exploration podcast for teens.

Charlotte teens can explore careers through a brand new podcast

June 5, 2020

With the vast number of careers available, it can be hard for teens to decide on a career path, let alone know which careers best suit them. Charlotte Mecklenburg Library’s College & Career Connections team has put together a podcast series interviewing a wide variety of professionals in the workforce. Most of the interviews are with professionals working in Charlotte, and each person gives an account of what steps led them to their career and offers advice for anyone interested in pursuing that path. 

Some of the interviews include: 

Dekina, Shelter Community Manager with Charlotte Family Housing - Dekina gives an account of managing the shelter phase of the Charlotte Family Housing program. She discusses the how rewarding her job is when she can change a person’s circumstance “with a simple act or simple words of encouragement.” The changes she can see in other people’s lives is the most meaningful aspect of her job. 

Michael, a College Counselor at Central Piedmont - Michael talks about counseling and advising students at CPCC. He works one-on-one with students doing academic coaching as well as mental health counseling. He discusses the need to remain organized every time he meets with a student. Writing is very important for his career as well as self-reflection. 

Isaiah, a Travel Nurse - Isaiah discusses what it is like to be a travel nurse in North Carolina and outside the state. He works as a nurse with short contracts with different hospitals depending on which area he would like to go to. His job is very rewarding with the connection he makes with his patients. He also gives some advice for everyone to keep them healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Tyler, a Cash Management Accountant - Tyler works for a hospital chain in Charlotte as a Cash Management Accountant. He likes the structure that comes with this type of position, and his career requires a lot of detail-oriented work. He discusses how he started out as a Pharmacy Major in college and then discovered a passion for accounting, while taking accounting courses. He wants to debunk the myth the Accountants are boring; he shares how much fun he and his coworkers have. 

Amrita, an Outreach Coordinator for Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - Amrita has a unique position in the Library system. Within the Outreach department, she spends her time mostly in the community providing Library services and programming. She works with a wide variety of people and age ranges. Her day could be doing a “storytime for kids or book clubs and reading groups for school age children” as well as "sensory programming for adults, teaching technology programs, providing discussion groups for adults who are unable to read and write”. She says her job is a “really worthy challenge” which she and her coworkers gets excited by. 

For the rest of the Career Exploration Spotlights, please visit our Teen Services Digital Branch. 

For more information about future planning for teens, please visit our College and Career Connections website.