All Library locations and book drops will be closed on July 4.  

A child reads books from Charlotte Mecklenburg Library at home.

Go back to school with Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

August 17, 2020

August is here, and with this onset comes a brand-new school year, often with shiny school supplies, fresh uniforms, clothes and even a new pair of shoes if you’re lucky. For many of us this year, the back-to-school rush and necessities look different as school-age children will mostly return to school in a virtual setting. This presents new challenges. While you may not buy new uniforms or a new backpack this year, you still need to prepare for what’s ahead and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is here to support all your back to school needs.

Virtual Learning Opportunities

Did you know that the Library provides a multitude of virtual learning programs to enrich your child’s academic and social skills? The calendar is filled weekly with school-age programming you can enjoy from anywhere! If your child can’t make the live programs, you can find them archived online at your convenience. You’ll find many pre-recorded programs to enjoy too! Some sample program titles include: Make Your Own Animation, Magical Creature Book Talk and even Fireworks in a Glass. Invite your child to view our specialized content to elevate and extend their learning. Virtual programming is not limited to children in elementary schooler, it’s available for all age groups. Teens can join in writing groups, book clubs, trivia sessions and gaming sessions such Dungeons and Dragons. While you get into your back-to-school routine, be sure to join a group and meet new friends.

ONE Access and Curated Lists by Grade Level

Every child in the Charlotte Mecklenberg School system can use their student ID number as their Library card number – this is called a ONE Access ID number (the pin number is your child’s birth year). Yes, you heard that right! It’s called ONE Access, or One Number Equals Access, and it makes it very convenient for your child to place books on hold or check out digital resources. Our Library staff have even created curated lists for students to read by grade level. Check them out here: Elementary, Middle and High School. Your child’s ONE Access ID number doesn’t just limit them to books. There are many e-resources to utilize such as (up to 10 free, live homework tutoring sessions each week), Mango Languages (learn a new language) and Freegal music (for any planned or unplanned dance party breaks!). The possibilities are endless with free learning resources offered through your Library.

Educational Support

The Library is committed to improving lives and building a stronger community – a lofty goal as evidenced by our commitment to programming and helping your child prepare for their next step beyond high school. Library branches offer one-on-one weekly virtual appointments with teens to discuss how to successfully plan for the future. Library staff members can connect your high schooler with resources to plan for a potential job or college process, including financial aid and scholarship opportunities. One-on-one virtual appointments are available daily for elementary schoolers as well for Reading Buddies, tutoring and enrichment! Feel back-to-school ready knowing your local Library will support your child’s learning beyond the (virtual) classroom.

Parent Learning Opportunities

Getting ready for the start of a new school year is not limited to children. Parents and caregivers can get back-to-school ready by learning something new too! Virtual caregiver classes are offered for a variety of age levels (children ages 2-5, students in grades K-5). Learn how to read WITH your child, and improve your child’s language, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Classes are also offered on how to access our digital Library resources for virtual learning. Build your confidence and meet other caregivers just like you- we're all in this together!

While the return to school this year presents new challenges, it also presents new opportunities. Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is prepared to meet this challenge with you, fully equipped and ready to provide you and your school-age child with an opportunity to learn and grow. Take advantage of the opportunities that await you and your children this school year!  


This blog was written by Elyse Berrier of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library