All Library locations and book drops will be closed on July 4.  

“The New South for the New Southerner,” hosted by community historian Dr. Tom Hanchett. Presented by Levine Museum of the New South, co-sponsored by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

New South for the New Southerner: Women Vote!

August 10, 2020

WOMEN VOTE! – That was the headline in August of 1920 as the 19th Amendment was ratified, and states could no longer deny the right to vote “on account of sex.” In commemoration of the centennial of this event, the League of Women Voters will present a program on Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 7 p.m.

The program will be hosted by community historian, Dr. Tom Hanchett, and will be streamed live by the Levine Museum of the New South and by its co-sponsor, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. Visitors to the Library’s Facebook page may view the proceedings and submit comments and questions via Facebook.

The League of Women Voters has been “encouraging informed and active participation in government” since 1920, when it changed its name from the “Equal Suffrage League,” following victory in the struggle for a women’s suffrage amendment. The seven Charlotteans pictured in this image from 1914 were all members of the Equal Suffrage League. 

In this election year, the Library is partnering with the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) offering programs like this one to encourage everyone to look back at what has been accomplished in the past and to move forward with empowerment to make a difference in one's own community. To learn more about Engage 2020, click here.