All Library locations and book drops will be closed on July 4.  

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library staff members participate in the 2019 Charlotte Pride Parade.

A proud perspective

June 16, 2020

One year ago, I attended my first pride festival, and it was one of the most transformative events I’ve ever attended in my life. I’m from a small town in South Carolina, and I was raised in a family of activists. Protesting and advocating for those that are facing injustices has always been a necessary way of life. The idea that if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything is embedded in my soul. My love for the community has transcended into my work as a teen librarian.

Even though I'm from a small town, I did not know what it meant to be a part of a true community until I moved to Charlotte. And while advocating for marginalized groups is vital, it is just as important to celebrate and show love to everyone. Charlotte is a melting pot of different people and cultures. As a librarian, I've been able to learn so much about how we're all working together to make the community a stronger and inclusive place where we can all thrive.

My first pride festival also marked the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. On June 28, 1969, the New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn which was a popular gay club located in Greenwich Village in New York City. The raid led to a riot and many protests. This uprising was one of the leading factors in the gay rights movement in the United States. And I felt honored and privileged to walk through the parade with my colleagues.

As I reminisce about that day I am flooded with happy memories. From dancing in the street with my coworkers to learning about other organizations fighting to make Charlotte inclusive, all I can do is smile because love radiated the air. As a librarian, I acknowledge that there is still a lot of work to be done in the community, and I’m proud that I was able to stand with my sisters and brothers and show my pride. 

At Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, our mission is to improve lives and build a stronger community. Our staff focuses their work every day to accomplish this goal by providing the resources, spaces, information and materials to everyone in our community. Everyone is welcome in our libraries.

While the Charlotte Pride Parade is cancelled this year, here are some great resources and book lists to help celebrate the month:

Happy Pride and Rainbow Read Month!

This blog was written by Cearra Harris with support from Laura Vallejo, both of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.