All Library locations and book drops will be closed on July 4.  

Stories from the Library’s Summer Break: Read, Learn, Explore

Stories from the Library’s Summer Break: Read, Learn, Explore

July 20, 2020

Each summer Charlotte Mecklenburg Library encourages people of all ages to participate in our summer learning program, Summer Break. There are lots of reasons why! We think one of the best parts of Summer Break is hearing from participants about all the wonderful, little, powerful or unexpected ways that the program has impacted their lives. From encouraging participants to further explore the city, to motivating students to read all summer long, we’ve compiled some notable stories. Keep reading for inspiration.

Summer Break Helps People of All Ages Discover Love of Reading

One of the things customers share most frequently is how Summer Break fosters a love of reading. One local parent said her family was thankful for the program adaptations for this summer and downloaded e-materials from our suggested summer reading lists. Another local preteen, who didn’t like reading last year, has been reading a lot during the summer, found new books to read, and says he likes reading now. Even seniors have told us they’ve found a renewed love of reading by finding new author addictions.

Find your next read with us:





Children and Parents Love Summer Break

One preschool mother says she loves how this program gives points while also encouraging little ones to read something daily on their own. Another mom said it’s always such an effort to get her middle schooler to read, but Summer Break is phenomenal! Logging reading and activities and then receiving badges and prizes is such an awesome incentive and keeps him motivated.

Has Summer Break Made an Impact on You?

If you have a success story you’d like to share about Summer Break, we’d love to hear it!  You can email us at [email protected] or fill out the form on our website.