All Library locations and book drops will be closed on July 4.  

Ice House Entrepreneurial Program Workshops

 Aspire Community Capital Program Workshops


These are FREE programs led by Aspire Community Capital.


ASPIRE Community Capital is an organization committed to helping business owners in under-resourced neighborhoods in the Greater Charlotte area take full advantage of the promise of the American dream. ASPIRE does this by helping people understand how to build a successful business in their own neighborhood, doing the things that they already know how to do, or doing things they have a passion and desire to learn how to do. ASPIRE provides these current and future business owners with the critical resources needed to start a business and succeed at it, from training in a 12-week Community Business Academy program every Spring and Fall semester, to mentorship and coaching, to accessing to loans and to other capital resources. ASPIRE helps business owners find their voice, gain confidence and grow stronger - strong enough to live their passions and pursue their very own American Dream. This is the "Declaration of Our Independence."


Information Session Dates:

Information sessions are available prior to the Community Business Academy workshop dates and attendance at one is REQUIRED to take a workshop. Registration links are included:


The virtual Community Business Academy program start date is Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 5 p.m. Classes will take place from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Participants must attend an Information Session to qualify for the 12-week Community Business Academy.


Click here for more information on the Community Business Academy