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Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos es la herramienta de referencia en español para principiantes. Busque por palabra clave o busque artículos. Cada artículo ofrece una función bilingüe que le permite cambiar entre el contenido en español e inglés. Periódicos del Mundo Hispánico presenta enlaces web a periódicos de países de habla hispana en todo el mundo. El Diccionario Visual lo ayudará a aclarar el significado de las palabras y comprender temas visuales complejos en español e inglés. Mundo de Animales le permite comparar animales y ver una extensa colección de datos de animales, videos, imágenes y enlaces web.


Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos is the beginner's Spanish language reference tool.  Search by keyword or browse for articles.  Every article provides a bilingual feature which allows you to switch between Spanish and English content.  Periodicos del Mundo Hispanico features web links to newspapers from Spanish-speaking countries around the world.  The Diccionario Visual (or Visual Dictionary) helps you clarify word meanings and grasp complex visual topics in Spanish and English.  Mundo de Animales (World of Animals) lets you compare animals side by side and view an extensive collection of animal facts, videos, images, and web links.

Library Card
Research Databases


A peek behind the scenes of Summer Break 2023

July 9, 2023


Read! Learn! Explore! Books! Fun! Challenge! Prizes! Just a few words to describe Summer Break!

Every year it takes a whole team working behind the scenes to bring Summer Break to Charlotte Mecklenburg Library! Staff work on building the online challenge; create, sort and distribute incentives and marketing materials to branches; build engaging displays; and attend community events just to list a few things staff do to create and promote this fun community challenge!

So much work is put into the program for multiple reasons but the best part about Summer Break for staff is hearing from participants about all the amazing, wonderful, little, powerful, or unexpected ways that the community challenge and the library has impacted their lives.

Want to share what you love and enjoy about the library or Summer Break? Send us an email at [email protected], use the Contact Us form on Beanstack, or share your feedback with staff next time you visit the library.


Comments? Questions?

Are you having problems with the Summer Break 2023 website or your account?  Do you have questions about the program?  Feel free to call your local branch or email us at [email protected] for help or feedback.

The 2023 Summer Break program is brought to you by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library with additional support from Wendy’s, Charlotte Football Club and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation.  

Welcome CLT

Whether you’ve just moved to Charlotte or have simply moved across town to a new home or neighborhood, we’re excited you’ve chosen the Queen City as your home! We recognize the important role residents like you, play in the vibrancy of our city’s neighborhoods and we encourage you to get involved and stay connected.

The WelcomeCLT.org website and accompanying LigGuide contains useful links, videos, information and resources to help you get settled in your new home.

Library Card
External Websites


Enjoy digital access to hundreds of U.S. and international newspapers, plus the magazine, The Economist. Read in your browser or download the free PressReader app.


Enjoy digital access to hundreds of U.S. and international newspapers, plus the magazine, The Economist.  Read in your browser or download the free PressReader app. The collection includes domestic and international newspapers in English as well as newspapers in approximately 60 different languages plus the ability to translate many titles in up to 20 different languages.  Popular newspaper choices include USA Today, The Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, Le Figaro, La Razon, Der Tagesspiegel, and China Daily.  The Economist has a 7-day checkout period.

Getting Started

Customers only need a library card in order to access the newspapers and The Economist available through PressReader.  Newspapers and The Economist can be accessed from a desktop or mobile device.  An app is available for iOs and Android devices.

Daily issues are available immediately, back issues vary by title from a few days to a few weeks.

Access the collection

  • Click the “Access Now” button below or Download the PressReader app for mobile devices (iOS app  or Android app).
  • Select “Sign In” found in the upper right-hand corner.
  • Select Library or Group.
  • Search “Charlotte” and select Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.
  • Enter your library card number or One Access number.
  • You will receive complimentary access for 30 days.  Don't be concerned if you see a message stating the number of hours and days you have left.  Your time will reset anytime your provide your library card number.

An account is not needed to access PressReader content.  However, a free account will allow you to read offline, create collections, save articles, and more.

Use the latest versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Safari.  PressReader does not support Microsoft Internet Explorer.


Access the help site here.   How to videos on YouTube.

Accessibility features 



Library Card

Health Reference Soucebooks (Omnigraphics)

Straightforward and authoritative e-books on consumer health topics. Topics include: Alcoholism, Cancer, Domestic Violence, Mental Health Disorders, and Stress-Related Disorders. This collection is on the Biblioboard Platform and was purchased by NC LIVE using LSTA grant funds*.


Titles in the Health Reference collection can also be accessed with the Biblioboard mobile app.

App Name: Biblioboard Library

  • Search for "Biblioboard Library" in your app store.  Download.
  • Login with your Biblioboard account. If you don't have an account, you must create an account first using a desktop coming.  Access Biblioboard from the Library's Research and Learn page and create a personal account. An account will also allow you to use customization features like saving books as favorites, adding notes or comments and bookmarks.

*This project/program/service is made possible by funding from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-250229-OLS-21).

Library Card


That's a Wrap for Summer Break 2023!

August 1, 2023

Summer Break lasted from June 1st to July 31st, with support from Wendy’s, Charlotte Football Club, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation, and, of course, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.

We read, learned, and explored the summer away. The last 8 weeks were filled with incredible displays, lots of badges, photos with Queen Charlotte, plenty of points earned and activities completed, and, of course, lots and lots of reading! In fact, we ended up with 9,129,360 total minutes read system-wide. Wow!

Now that Summer Break is at its end, don’t forget to pick up your prizes, and keep an eye out for the drawing for a 4-pack of tickets to a Charlotte Football Club game (with one 4-pack per branch, ages 5-17)! The top 20 readers of Summer Break will also be given the opportunity to tour the Charlotte Football Club stadium (ages 5-17)!

Have any thoughts to share? You can always talk to the staff at your local branch, or email us at [email protected].

We hope you had a wonderful summer, and thanks for joining us this Summer Break!

The 2023 Summer Break program is brought to you by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library with additional support from Wendy’s, Charlotte Football Club and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation.