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Did you know that teens can join in on the fun of Summer Break too? New opportunities for learning are everywhere. The Library is here to help you find inspiration to try something new. 

Participate in teen activities and programs during Summer Break

July 8, 2021

Desplácese hacia abajo para ver la versión en español

Did you know that teens can join in on the fun of Summer Break too? Summer is such a great time to read all the books you’ve wanted to read - no assigned books here! This summer explore the world around you through books, resources and online programs. New opportunities for learning are everywhere. The Library is here to help you find inspiration to try something new. 


When you register for Summer Break, you will find activities to complete to earn virtual badges. In addition to reading, some of our activity ideas include: 


  • Cook something using a new recipe 
  • Make a time capsule to open in five years
  • Create art in any medium you would like


  • Create a book list using BiblioCommons, the Library’s online catalog
  • Write a letter to a senior at a nursing home or assisted living facility 
  • Send a card to a friend or family member


  • Play a board game
  • Try to get out of one of the digital escape rooms
  • Hold a mini Olympics with your friends 


  • Plan your future by using the Library’s Road Map to Success 
  • Follow us @cmlibraryteens on Instagram and explore books, college and career resources, podcasts, meet Teen Services Staff, watch Teens Live programs and more!


  • Help with the chores – those dishes won’t wash themselves!
  • Participate in a virtual Teen Advisory Council or Community Service Project activity for the Library and earn community service hours
  • Draw something encouraging on your sidewalk or driveway


Programs for Teens 

Our libraries are hosting some exciting online programs this summer for teens. 

Here are just a few of the wonderful programs being offered:

Esports 101 for Teens: Attention all gamers, girls, and boys! Are you a gamer interested in competitive gaming or curious about knowing more about the gaming industry? If so, then join us for a new Esports 101 program series created just for teens.

Remembering the Holocaust: Irving Bienstock was six years old when Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power in Germany and life changed dramatically over the next six years. Come and hear his story in more detail - and have the unique opportunity to ask questions of a Holocaust survivor.

Mock Interviews: Participants will experience a live 1 on 1 virtual interview and receive feedback on how they performed as well as suggestions for improvement. 

Visit our calendar for even more upcoming online programs that you can access from home! 


Comments? Questions?  

Are you having problems with the Summer Break website or your account? Do you have questions about the program? Feel free to call your local library for assistance or email [email protected].  

The 2021 Summer Break program is brought to you by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. Additional support comes from Wendy’s and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation with Spanish translations sponsored by Norsan Media.


This blog was written by Angela Arnold, Summer Break team co-lead for Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.



Actividades y programas para adolescentes 


¿Sabías que los adolescentes también pueden participar en el Programa de vacaciones de verano? El verano es la época ideal para leer todos los libros que siempre quisiste leer, ¡y no hablamos de los que te asignan en la escuela! Este verano, explora el mundo que te rodea a través de los libros, los recursos y los programas en línea. Las oportunidades para aprender algo nuevo están en todas partes. La biblioteca está aquí para ayudarte a encontrar inspiración para probar algo nuevo. 


Cuando te registres en el Programa de vacaciones de verano, encontrarás actividades para completar y ganar medallas virtuales. Además de la lectura, algunas de nuestras ideas de actividades incluyen lo siguiente: 


  • Cocina algo usando una receta nueva 
  • Haz una cápsula del tiempo para abrirla dentro de cinco años
  • Crea arte en cualquier medio que prefieras


  • Crea una lista de libros usando BiblioCommons, el catálogo en línea de la biblioteca
  • Escríbele una carta a una persona mayor que viva en una residencia de ancianos o en un centro de vida asistida 
  • Envíale una tarjeta a un amigo o a un familiar



  • Planifica tu futuro con la Hoja de ruta hacia el éxito de la biblioteca 
  • Síguenos en @cmlibraryteens en Instagram y explora libros, recursos para la universidad y la carrera profesional, podcasts, conoce al Equipo de Servicios para Adolescentes, mira programas de Teens Live, ¡y mucho más!


  • Ayuda con las tareas del hogar, ¡esos platos no van a lavarse solos!
  • Participa en un Consejo asesor para adolescentes virtual o en una actividad del Proyecto de servicio comunitario para la biblioteca y gana horas de servicio comunitario
  • Dibuja algo inspirador en tu vereda o frente a tu casa


Programas para adolescentes 

Este verano, nuestras bibliotecas tienen programas en línea geniales para adolescentes. 

Estos son solo algunos de los maravillosos programas que se ofrecen:

Esports 101 para adolescentes: ¡Atención, gamers! ¿Eres un jugador al que le interesa competir o eres curioso y quieres saber más sobre la industria del videojuego? Si es así, acompáñanos en nuestra nueva serie de programas Esports 101 creada solo para adolescentes.

Recordamos el Holocausto: Irving Bienstock tenía seis años cuando Hitler y el Partido Nazi llegaron al poder en Alemania, y su vida cambió drásticamente durante los siguientes seis años. Ven a escuchar todos los detalles de su historia y a aprovechar una oportunidad única de hacerle preguntas a un sobreviviente del Holocausto.

Simulacros de entrevista: Los participantes tendrán una entrevista individual virtual en vivo y recibirán comentarios sobre su desempeño y, también, consejos para mejorar. 

Visita nuestro calendario para ver más de nuestros próximos programas en línea a los que puedes acceder desde tu casa. 

¿Tienes comentarios o preguntas?  

¿Tienes problemas con el sitio web del programa de vacaciones de verano o con tu cuenta? ¿Tienes preguntas sobre el programa? No dudes en llamar a tu biblioteca local para pedir ayuda o enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected].  

El programa de vacaciones de verano 2021 llega a ti gracias a la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg.  Contamos con respaldo adicional de Wendy’s y de la fundación de la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg, con traducciones al español patrocinadas por Norsan Media.


Este blog lo escribió Angela Arnold, colíder del equipo del Programa de vacaciones de verano de la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg.

Did you think Summer Break with Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is just for children and teens? Summer Break is a program for all ages! Adults are enjoying extra-relaxing reads, exploring and playing in their world, creating, writing, and giving, all summer

Join in adult activities and programs during Summer Break

July 8, 2021

Desplácese hacia abajo para ver la versión en español

Welcome to Week 7 of Summer Break! Did you think Summer Break with Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is just for children and teens? Summer Break is a program for all ages! Adults are enjoying extra-relaxing reads, exploring and playing in their world, creating, writing, and giving, all summer long. New opportunities for learning are everywhere. Let the Library give you some inspiration for all those activities.

When you register for Summer Break, you will find activities to complete to earn virtual badges. In addition to reading, some of our activity ideas include:


  • Invent a new sandwich
  • Complete a crossword puzzle
  • Take some interesting photos of your neighborhood


  • Write in a journal
  • Take a course or check out an eBook on fiction writing using Library resources
  • Write a new ending to your favorite book or story


  • Ride a bike or take a walk
  • Color with a family member
  • Play a video game online with a friend


  • Book a librarian for 1-on-1 help with technology, business, or non-profit assistance
  • Download a free song from Freegal
  • Go geocaching at a local park


  • Donate food or supplies to your local animal shelter
  • Organize a neighborhood cleanup
  • Video chat a friend or family member to cheer them up

Programs for Adults

The Library offers hundreds of programs on dozens of topics. You are sure to find something to interest you! Here is a sampling of activities for adults being offered.

Multicultural Book Club - The Multicultural Book Club meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the best novels from the world's many cultures.

Independence Library History's Mysteries - Offered on the last Wednesday of the month, History's Mysteries is presented by Independence Regional Library staff. Come discover humanity's hidden past and explore a historical mystery.

Basic Computer Skills - Learn to use the keyboard and mouse and get a basic overview of computer terms and concepts in this class for people with little or no previous computer experience.

Visit our calendar for even more upcoming virtual programs that you can access from home!  Choose “Select tag(s)” on the right to narrow down by age.

The Summer Break program is wonderful for all ages! We have activities and book suggestions for babies/children, teens and adults

Comments? Questions? 

Are you having problems with the Summer Break website or your account? Do you have questions about the program? Feel free to call your local library for assistance or email [email protected]. 

The 2021 Summer Break program is brought to you by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.  Additional support comes from Wendy’s and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation with Spanish translations sponsored by Norsan Media.


¡Bienvenido a la semana 7 del Programa de vacaciones de verano!

¿Creíste que el Programa de vacaciones de verano con la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg era solo para niños y adolescentes? ¡El Programa de vacaciones de verano es para todas las edades! Los adultos disfrutan de lecturas sumamente relajantes, exploran y juegan en su mundo, crean, escriben y hacen sus aportes durante todo el verano. Las oportunidades para aprender están en todas partes. Permite que la biblioteca te inspire para hacer todas esas actividades.

Al registrarte en el Programa de vacaciones de verano, encontrarás actividades para completar y ganar medallas virtuales. Además de la lectura, algunas de nuestras ideas de actividades son las siguientes:


  • Inventa un nuevo sándwich
  • Completa un crucigrama
  • Saca fotos interesantes de tu vecindario


  • Escribe un diario personal
  • Haz un curso o retira un libro electrónico sobre escritura de ficción usando los recursos de la biblioteca
  • Escribe un nuevo final para tu libro o historia favorita


  • Monta en bicicleta o da una caminata
  • Colorea junto con un miembro de tu familia
  • Juega a algún videojuego en línea con un amigo


  • Reserva a un bibliotecario para recibir asistencia personalizada sobre tecnología, negocios u organizaciones sin fines de lucro
  • Descarga una canción gratuita de Freegal
  • Juega al geocaching en un parque local


  • Dona alimentos o suministros al refugio de animales local
  • Organiza una jornada de limpieza del vecindario
  • Haz una videoconferencia en línea con un amigo o un familiar para alegrarlo

Programas para adultos

La biblioteca ofrece cientos de programas basados en docenas de temas. ¡Seguro que encontrarás algo que te interese! Esta es solo una muestra de las actividades para adultos que se ofrecen.

Club de lectura multicultural: El Club de lectura multicultural se reúne mensualmente para hablar sobre las mejores novelas de todas las culturas del mundo. Participa con nosotros del Club de lectura multicultural el cuarto jueves de cada mes a las 6:30.

Misterios de la historia en la Biblioteca Independence: El último miércoles de cada mes, el equipo de la Biblioteca Independence Regional presenta Misterios de la historia. Ven a descubrir el pasado oculto de la humanidad y a explorar misterios históricos.

Habilidades informáticas básicas: Aprende a usar el teclado y el ratón y obtén un panorama básico de términos y conceptos informáticos en esta clase destinada a personas con poca o ninguna experiencia en computación.

Visita nuestro calendario para ver los próximos programas virtuales, a los que puedes acceder desde tu casa.  Elige “Seleccionar etiqueta(s)” a la derecha para filtrar la búsqueda por edad.

¡El Programa de vacaciones de verano es genial para personas de todas las edades! Tenemos actividades y recomendaciones de libros para bebés o niños, adolescentes y adultos

¿Tienes comentarios o preguntas? 

¿Tienes problemas con el sitio web del programa de vacaciones de verano o con tu cuenta? ¿Tienes preguntas sobre el programa? No dudes en llamar a tu biblioteca local para pedir ayuda o envía un correo electrónico a [email protected]

El programa de vacaciones de verano 2021 llega a ti gracias a la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg.  Contamos con respaldo adicional de Wendy’s y de la fundación de la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg, con traducciones al español patrocinadas por Norsan Media.


Este blog lo escribió Larisa Martin, miembro del equipo del Programa de vacaciones de verano de la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg

If you have a story, you’d like to share about Summer Break we’d love to hear it! 

Stories from the Library’s Summer Break: Read, Learn, Explore

July 8, 2021

Desplácese hacia abajo para ver la versión en español

Each summer Charlotte Mecklenburg Library encourages people of all ages to participate in our summer learning program, Summer Break. There are lots of reasons why! We think one of the best parts of Summer Break is hearing from participants about all the wonderful, little, powerful, or unexpected ways that the program has impacted their lives. From encouraging participants to further explore the city, to motivating students to read all summer long, we’ve compiled some notable stories. Keep reading for inspiration.

Summer Break Helps People of All Ages Discover Love of Reading

One of the things customers share most frequently is how Summer Break fosters a love of reading. One Summer Break completer was so excited that his prize was a book that he could keep.

Find your next read with us!

We have created new lists for summer 2021 for kids, teens and adults so you can keep your brains active. These recommended reading lists can be found on our website at summerbreak.cmlibrary.org. (After you register for an account or Sign In, select “Recommendations” in the menu on the top right.)

Groups Love Summer Break

A group is an organization such as a camp, school, day care or other organization who will participate in the Summer Break program together and not individually. Participating in Summer Break as a group is a fun way to work together to read 15 hours and participate in engaging activities. If the group completes the challenge, the group receives fun prizes. It’s also a great way to keep track of the amount of reading a group is doing during June 7 to August 14. One CMS teacher says it was easy to sign up and all the assistance she received from staff was quick and helpful.

Has Summer Break Made an Impact on You?

If you have a story, you’d like to share about Summer Break we’d love to hear it!  You can email us at [email protected], fill out the contact us form on our website or tell any staff member next time you visit the library.

The 2021 Summer Break program is brought to you by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.  Additional support comes from Wendy’s and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation with Spanish translations sponsored by Norsan Media. 


This blog was written by Whitney Lebron, Summer Break team member for Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. 


Cada verano, la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg invita a personas de todas las edades a participar en nuestro programa de aprendizaje de verano llamado Programa de vacaciones de verano. ¡Hay muchas razones para hacerlo! Creemos que una de las mejores partes del Programa de vacaciones de verano es escuchar a los participantes contarnos de qué maneras maravillosas, simples, poderosas o inesperadas el programa ha causado un impacto positivo en sus vidas. Hemos reunido muchas historias interesantes relacionadas, por ejemplo, con participantes que se animaron a explorar aún más la ciudad o estudiantes motivados a leer durante todo el verano. Sigue leyendo para inspirarte.

El Programa de vacaciones de verano ayuda a personas de todas las edades a descubrir el amor por la lectura

Una de las cosas que los participantes comparten con frecuencia es que el Programa de vacaciones de verano fomenta el amor por la lectura. Una persona que completó el Programa de vacaciones de verano estaba tan contenta que, como premio, le regalamos un libro.

¡Encuentra tu próxima lectura con nosotros!

Hemos creado nuevas listas para el verano de 2021 para que niños, adolescentes y adultos puedan mantener sus cerebros activos. Estas listas de libros recomendados se pueden encontrar en nuestro sitio web en summerbreak.cmlibrary.org. (Después de inscribirte o de ingresar, selecciona «Recomendaciones» en el menú de arriba a la derecha).

Los grupos aman el Programa de vacaciones de verano

Un grupo es una organización, por ejemplo, un campamento, una escuela, una guardería u otra organización, que participa del Programa de vacaciones de verano como grupo, no individualmente. Participar en el Programa de vacaciones de verano como grupo es una forma divertida de trabajar juntos para leer 15 horas y realizar actividades entretenidas. Si el grupo completa el desafío, recibe premios divertidos. También es una buena manera de monitorear cuánto lee el grupo desde el 7 de junio hasta el 14 de agosto. Una maestra de CMS dice que fue fácil inscribirse y que la ayuda que recibió del equipo fue rápida y útil.

¿El Programa vacaciones de verano te ha causado un impacto?

Si tienes una historia que quieras compartir sobre el Programa de vacaciones de verano, ¡nos encantaría escucharla!  Puedes enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected], completar el formulario Contáctanos en nuestro sitio web o hablar con cualquier miembro de nuestro equipo la próxima vez que visites la biblioteca.

El Programa de vacaciones de verano 2021 llega a ti gracias a la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg.  Contamos con respaldo adicional de Wendy’s y de la fundación de la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg, con traducciones al español patrocinadas por Norsan Media. 


Este blog lo escribió Whitney Lebron, miembro del equipo del Programa de vacaciones de verano de la biblioteca Charlotte Mecklenburg. 

hoopla recently updated their audiobook experience for the Android and Apple apps and the hoopla website.  You will see an enhanced interface, now on a single screen.  Features updated includes increased playback speeds, sleep timer options, and a new car

Digital Tips and Tricks: hoopla Audiobook Experience Gets an Update

July 9, 2021

Do you love audiobooks as much as me? I’m a recent audiobook convert and am obsessed with finding great narrators and a juicy tell-all. I especially love books narrated by the author. Hoopla recently gave their audiobook player a facelift. Haven’t checked it out yet? What are you waiting for? 

Hoopla is one of the Library’s resources that allows instant access to e-books, comics, audiobooks, music, movies and television – no holds and no waiting! Content can be streamed on computers, tablets, or mobile devices, and can be downloaded to tablets and mobile devices to allow for offline reading or listening any time. New to hoopla?  Check out our Getting Started page.

The audiobook experience has been updated for the Android and Apple apps and the hoopla website. If your mobile device is not showing the new features, you probably just need to install an update. What’s great about the new audiobook experience is all features can be accessed from one screen!                                

  • Car and Activity Mode is a simplified interface with fewer controls and larger buttons for when you’re on the go.
  • Chapter/Book Timer gives users a simple toggle to switch between viewing the time remaining in either the current chapter or the entire book.
  • Playback Speed options have been increased to up to four times normal playback speed!
  • Bookmark Notes can now be added to any audiobook bookmark, perfect for book clubs or educational listening.
  • Sleep Timer has more options, including an End of Chapter option. 

Read more about the new enhancements and watch a short video here. Happy Listening!

Access all the Library’s resources for free with your library card. Don’t have one? Sign up here! If you need more help with resources covered in this blog, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library staff are available to help by email, chat, and phone


 This blog was written by Amy Richard, digital collections coordinator at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

While many protests related to other subjects have taken place without many limitations, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has been subject to extreme censorship by both police and the media.

Censorship and Black Lives Matter

July 12, 2021

This blog was written as part of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Black Lives Matter program initiative. Learn  more about the program and corresponding events here.

During the 20th and 21st centuries, widespread mass protests have become an essential element of displaying civic engagement in America. Topics such as LGBTQ+ rights, animal cruelty and gun control have elicited millions of people to protest. However, on May 25, 2020, the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officer Derek Chauvin led to the largest protest in the history of the United States. Over 20 million people nationwide gathered to protest police brutality and racial injustice against Black Americans. While many protests related to other subjects have taken place without many limitations, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has been subject to extreme censorship by both police and the media.

Even though most BLM protests were peaceful, calls for militarized police were requested on a national level and states went under lockdown in response. Consequently, the usage of pepper spray, tear gas and rubber ammunition further instigated violence. According to the Texas Tribune, during days of protests, police officers used pepper spray and arrested protestors, critically injuring one person and sending others to the hospital. An additional person had been trampled by an officer on horseback. These actions directly contradict the right to peaceful protest indicated by the First Amendment. Under this law, police forces are only allowed to contain individuals if they have witnessed them commit a crime, possess a warrant, or have probable cause. The intense scrutiny under the BLM movement has made it difficult for people to protest peacefully and the police officers that have been deployed on a national level has left protestors unable to use their voices for change.

Nevertheless, censorship comes in more forms than just government control. Last year, Ardrey Kell High School painted the rock in front of the school with symbols of the BLM movement, honoring the victims of police brutality and encouraging students to act. Yet just a week following this gesture, the rock was vandalized and replaced with hate speech. The BLM movement has constantly faced bigotry and the fact that people were so quick to stop others from speaking out illustrates the massive amount of censorship behind Black and POC voices.

This is not the first time the movement has been censored in a school environment. On May 13, 2021, an entire year after George Floyd's death, an Oklahoma School District banned students from wearing a BLM shirt, stating that “politics will not be allowed at school.” According to the National Coalition Against Censorship, students were required to turn their BLM shirt inside out and were prohibited from entering class until they changed their clothes. The school prohibited students from expressing political beliefs, violating the law established in Tinker v. Des Moines which stated that “students’ political speech is protected by the First Amendment”. At another high school in Florida, a yearbook was censored for containing views about BLM and was cited as being “too politically one-sided.” However, this comment seems as though it was only used to silence the editors, as what was posted in the yearbook only detailed the history of the movement and why it was started.

Fortunately, people have been standing up to fight against the censorship and have strengthened the movement in the process. When the rock at Ardrey Kell was vandalized, students organized a repainting session, inviting the entire school to collaborate on making an artistic representation of the BLM movement. Students who oversaw writing the yearbook at the Florida high school distributed a letter maintaining the political integrity of their article and reaching a middle ground to get their book published. In a broader aspect, journalists and protestors have been able to shed light on their experiences protesting and social media apps have been essential for revealing the truth as it is. As the protests continue and people begin to pay more attention to the movement, it is essential to fight back against censorship and show the world what the BLM movement truly represents — fighting racism, police brutality and serving justice to its victims.


This blog was written by Medha Kowndinya, she is 16-year-old rising high school Junior.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room provides a history on Charlotte's Carousel Parade  and Thanksgiving Day parade.

Carousel Princesses + Thanksgiving Parade

November 25, 2019

The Novant Health Thanksgiving Day Parade has been bringing a mile of smiles to Charlotteans and worldwide viewers since 1947.  The one-mile long parade that runs down 9th Street to Stonewall has gained a reputation of becoming the fourth largest parade in the country attracting over 110,000 live spectators and 1.5 million TV viewers. Elaborately decorated floats, performances, celebrities, marching bands, and the carousel princesses are the reason why people continue to look forward to and enjoy the spectacle each year.  

John M. Belk., the former chairman and CEO of Belk, Inc., started the Carousel Parade and scholarship program to attract more shoppers to Belk. Carolinas’ Carousel, a charitable organization, recognizes high school students and marching bands who achieve academic excellence. In 2013, the parade’s legacy almost came to a close until Novant Health stepped up to become the parade’s new sponsor.  

Part of the scholarship program are the Carousel Princesses, who represent various North and South Carolina towns. Princesses ride in the parade and participate in two full days of activities similar to a debutante ball. Activities include a mayor’s luncheon, a special tour and reception at Queens College, a Coronation Ball of the Royal Society of the Knights of Carousel where a new king is appointed, a dinner at Radio Center and a football game. There is also a post-parade reception and dance called the “Queens Buffet,” where the new queen is appointed. Historically, princesses were presented with a variety of cash prizes and gifts, but the queen got to choose a beautiful evening dress valued at $100. 

Be sure to come out or watch the parade this Thanksgiving on November 28, 2019 at 9 a.m. to see why this has been a favorite tradition for several decades! 


This blog was written by Julia Zwetolitz, marketing and communications intern with the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.



Behind the Vault Doors: Annie Lee Hoffman

November 26, 2019

In the aftermath of World War I, a number of volunteers from American agencies went overseas to help with the return to peacetime and to assist the military with other projects. Annie Lee Hoffman was one of these volunteers, serving on behalf of the YMCA.

The early life of Annie Hoffman

Annie was born on August 9, 1887 in Morganton, North Carolina to Julius and Martha Hoffman. She attended Oxford Seminary in Oxford, NC where she studied office administration.  Later, she moved to Rocky Mount, NC where she was employed as a private stenographer. At the time Annie volunteered overseas, she was the Nash County Court Stenographer. 

Annie joins the YMCA

The mission of the YMCA is to operate as a Christian service to build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.  It was established in London, England in June 1844 in response to “unhealthy social conditions” resulting from the Industrial Revolution in large cities. In 1914, the YMCA turned its attention to providing support and wholesome pursuits for troops fighting for Britain and her empire. Examples of services provided include supplying men with writing paper, film showings, libraries, religious services, concert parties, folk dancing and educational lectures.     

The YMCA opened its doors for women in July 1917.  Prior to this, Americans did not believe that women could hold up to the physical and mental strain of war work. Women certainly proved these ideas wrong by serving as nurses, surgeons, chaplains, chaplain's assistants, distributors of medical supplies and distributors of food and clothing. Some women also served on the battlefield with horse drawn canteens that had built and staffed a kitchen, hotel and a hospital. Women volunteers also provided male soldiers with free meals and taught men to read and write.

(Left): This movement order allowed Annie to serve with the French YMCA. At this time, she was not doing front line work and was advised to sightsee. (Right): Annie and other women serving as YMCA volunteers.

By 1918, over 300 YMCA centers existed in France. There were approximately 1,700 volunteers in French YMCAs, mostly women. Each center offered a canteen, chapel, concert hall, library, game room and classroom.


Annie leaves the YMCA

Throughout her travels, Annie kept a detailed account of foreign lands laying in ruins during the war. Her papers, held in the Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room, contain extensive letters that she wrote to her mother and sisters in the form of a diary.

After she was honorably discharged from her volunteer service in 1919, she returned to Rocky Mount. She later died at age of 97 in her hometown on October 9,1984.



 (Left): Annie’s discharge papers, which allowed her to serve on the front line. All volunteers had to complete a medical and physical examination in order to determine where they can serve. (Right): Honorable discharge papers with record of service.

Want to learn more about Annie Lee Hoffman’s service overseas during World War I? Visit the Carolina Room on the third floor of Main Library!


This blog was written by Julia Zwetolitz, marketing and communications intern, of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library


Annie Lee Hoffman Papers, 1909-1926. Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.

"Our History- A Brief History of the YMCA Movement.” YMCA. Accessed November 2019. http://www.mfldymca.org/about_us/history_national.php.

A cardboard cutout of Queen Charlotte is taking Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and Charlotte by storm.

The Queen around Crown Town

November 27, 2019

By now, you’ve probably seen images of Queen Charlotte plastered across Charlotte Mecklenburg Library social media accounts. The Queen, who arrived in her city-namesake in September 2019, has been on the move since she got here. While her presence has taken the city by storm, it’s also left many residents and visitors asking the question: Why is the Queen here?

Because she never made it to Charlotte during her lifetime, that’s why.

Most importantly, Queen Charlotte, who has been immortalized in cardboard thanks to our friends at the Mint Museum and our own Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room, is meant to bring awareness to the Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room as a treasure trove of historical and geneaological resources. She is also meant to be a fun, unifying, educational, conversational and engaging addition to the Charlotte community. The Queen will tour "Crown Town" for approximately one year – learning about the city and the way Charlotteans live life. She will also educate and liaise with the community along the way.

Queen Charlotte was initially prompted to visit Charlotte when she received news from the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Historian-in-Residence, Tom Hanchett, that the iconic Dairy Queen on Central Avenue in Plaza-Midwood was due to close this fall. She was devastated yet intrigued.

The Queen reported that she previously heard news of a rapidly expanding and changing Charlotte. It alarmed her that she could miss out on discovering the essence of what makes the Queen City regal. So, she challenged herself to visit as many historical landmarks in the city as she can– with plans to meet residents and have fun along the way.

And the Queen is having fun, indeed! Since her September arrival, the Queen has:

The Queen has been busy, but she’s not done enjoying herself.

All friends of the Library are encouraged to follow the Library on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to keep up with the Queen. And, if you see her around town, don’t be shy. Take a photo with her instead.

Be sure to post your photos on social media with the hashtag #QueentakestheQueen so that the Library and all the Queens people can follow her adventures. Using the hashtag will also help the Queen look back fondly on her time spent in Charlotte when she returns to the past in September of 2020.

Afraid you won’t get a chance to meet the Queen? No worries! Starting on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, Library visitors can find Queen Charlotte (and snap a photo or two) in the Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room on the third floor of Main Library where she will begin residential hours.

The Queen looks forward to meeting you soon!

Have ideas of places Queen Charlotte should visit around the city or neighboring towns? Send suggestions or invitations with the subject "QueentakestheQueen" to [email protected].


This blog was written by Asha Ellison, marketing & communications specialist at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.

Join Charlotte Mecklenburg Library for the 2nd Annual Christmas Carol Marathon Reading at ImaginOn!

ImaginOn's 2nd Annual Christmas Carol Marathon Reading

December 2, 2019

A new Christmas tradition in Charlotte, you say? Bah, humbug!

Take a break from shopping and come sip some cider with us and celebrate the true spirit of the holidays. The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library (www.cmlibrary.org), Charlotte Center for Literary Arts (www.charlottelit.org), Charlotte Film Society (www.charlottefilmsociety.com), and Children's Theatre of Charlotte (www.ctcharlotte.org) are partnering on a terrific event again this year: our 2nd annual marathon read-aloud of Charles Dickens' holiday classic, A Christmas Carol, paired with a film screening of the book's adaptation by Jim Henson, The Muppet Christmas Carol.

The marathon book reading will take place at ImaginOn on Saturday, December 14, 2019 from 12-4 p.m.in the StoryJar area. Join us for group caroling starting at 12:15, and the reading itself will begin at 1 p.m., featuring 30 local Charlotte performers and authors reading the book from start to finish. Bring the family or come by yourself. Pop in and out, or stay for the whole thing! And it's a Super Saturday, so the Holiday Harps will be in the building for additional ambiance!

Then join us for a screening of one of A Christmas Carol’s most famous film adaptations on Sunday, December 15, 2019 at 2 p.m. in the Wells Fargo Playhouse at ImaginOn.

The library is providing hot cider and ginger snaps for both events. Tacky holiday sweaters are encouraged. All who come are welcome. We hope you join us for this fantastic free weekend!


Create your next film with a Cellphone Video Kit

December 4, 2019

Today’s smartphones can record amazing videos in 4K, capture the action in slow motion and have a variety of apps that make editing video easier than ever. But what if you could take your creative vision even further? 

Check out our brand-new Cellphone Video Kits. These kits include everything you need to record professional audio, smoothly pan and record video and get the perfect shot. Whether you’re recording a vlog, capturing an event, or shooting a documentary, these kits contain all the essentials for solo projects and small teams. 

You can borrow a kit with your Library card for free and place a request through the online catalog. Don’t have a Library card? Stop into your nearest branch or register online! 

Sign up for a library card 

What’s Included 


Inside the kit you’ll have a variety of professional tools that make recording a breeze.  

Kits include: 

  • DJI Osmo 2 gimble 

  • Shotgun microphone 

  • Boom pole, handgrip and shock mount 

  • Zoom H6 Handy Recorder (and recording capsules) 

  • Assortment of cables for connecting microphones and smartphones 

  • Wall charger and more 

For solo projects, you’ll find the included DJI Osmo 2 gimble, Sennheiser MKE 600 shotgun microphone and included shock mount and handgrip to be perfect. Cables are included for your iPhone or Android smartphone. 

Small teams can make great use of the Zoom H6 Handy Recorder and Auray boom pole. As someone films the action another can keep audio levels in check while staying out of the scene. The boom pole is also great for field recording when compiling scenic sounds and effects. A windshield is also included to minimize wind noise when recording under less than ideal conditions. 

The Zoom H6 Handy Recorder also includes two capsules for capturing sound that's in front of you or from around the room. Multiple channels make it easy to record multiple audio sources for dynamic sound. 

A quick start guide, manuals and cables are provided to help you get started quickly. 

Reserve a Video Kit

Learning with Online Resources 

Lynda - DJI Osmo and Osmo Mobile: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques: This Lynda course walks you through the basics of using a handheld gimbal to record professional looking videos with proper technique. https://www.lynda.com/Photography-tutorials/DJI-Osmo-Osmo-Mobile-Tips-Tricks-Techniques/576705-2.html 

Films on Demand - Recorders, Roll Sound, Now What?: Learn techniques to properly navigate, set up, and begin recording with your handy recorder. This video also covers the basics of the recording process so you’ll be prepared on set. https://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=168418 

Films on Demand - Intermediate Audio: Digital Cinema Training: With three different microphones in the video kit featuring a combination of pickup patterns, this video includes lots of information about using the right tool for the right job. Learn how to operate and use audio equipment as it relates to working in the field. https://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=115052 

Check out our online resources 

Digital tools 

iMovie: If you’re recording on an iPhone or own a Mac, iMovie is free to download from the App Store. It paves the way to using more advanced tools like Final Cut Pro. https://www.apple.com/imovie/ 

Davinci Resolve: The maker of this software is from the hardware savants from Blackmagic Design. It’s one of the industry standards and free to download. https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/ 

Adobe Premiere Rush: Relatively new in the world of Adobe, this editing software aims to bring editing prowess to everyone. You can use it on your desktop, phone, or tablet for $9.99 a month. https://www.adobe.com/products/premiere-rush.html 

DJI Go: No matter what device you have, you’ll need DJI Go to operate the Osmo 2 gimble. Make sure to create a free account on your phone so you can activate the gimble when you pick it up! https://www.dji.com/goapp 

Share your stories with us! 

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library would love if you’d share your amazing creations with us. Be sure to tag us using hashtag #CMLVideoKit and #CMLibrary on social media. 

Get out there and start recording!