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Queen Charlotte and her family are signed up for Summer Break, are you?  Everyone from adults to babies are welcome to participate in Summer Break 2022!

Queen Charlotte signs up for Summer Break

May 31, 2022

It's that wonderful time of year - Summer Break! Take you and your family’s summer learning to the next level with the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Summer Break 2022 Challenge. Our summer learning challenge starts June 1 and ends August 13. The community is challenged to read 10 million minutes together.

Register for the challenge online by visiting our website or downloading the app, Beanstack Tracker. Your free account allows you to track reading time and learning activities to earn prizes and collect virtual badges. Even tracking Queen Charlotte can be logged into Beanstack as an activity. Find Queen Charlotte at your local branch, visit the Queen Charlotte Walks in Her Garden statue in uptown Charlotte, or take a selfie with Queen Charlotte. The possibilities of reaching 1,200 points to complete the summer break challenge are endless!


Exciting Programs

Though our Summer Break 2022 program can be completed entirely online, our libraries are hosting some wonderful programs this summer. Check out these upcoming programs that you can attend in person, as well as access from home. We have something for everyone!

Comments? Questions?

Are you having problems with the Summer Break 2022 website or your account?  Do you have questions about the program?  Feel free to chat with us online or email us at [email protected] for help or feedback.


The 2022 Summer Break program is brought to you by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library with additional support from Wendy’s, Charlotte Football Club's Greater Goals and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation.  

The Library has everything you need to start a successful business

The Library has everything you need to start a successful business

May 31, 2022

The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library has amazing business resources. Many people are not aware that the Library has anything beyond children’s storytimes and novels. But if you are thinking about starting a business or have an ongoing business and would like to expand, we have data for you. Your taxes have paid for these resources, so why pay someone else to gather what you already have access to?

Can you use a list of businesses? Data Axle Reference Solutions is a business directory for the entire United States. You can select the industry, the geography, the number of employees and then create a list of businesses with contact names, addresses, phone numbers and more.

Do you need to know what’s going on in your industry or your customer’s industry? ABI/Inform Collection has industry reports from Dun & Bradstreet, Plunkett, and other global publishers. These show the state of the industry, regulations, challenges, opportunities, ratios, and what’s on leadership’s radar.

Will you be selling to a select demographic? SimplyAnalytics allows you to create maps to show dense geographic areas where your potential clients live. There are 8,000+ variables of age, income, housing, spending habits, and so much more you can map or put into spreadsheets to analyze. 

These are only 3 of several resources available to use for your business planning. 

You don’t have to spend hours watching tutorials or reading instructions to use these databases. Book a 1-hour time slot for a 1-on-1 video call with a librarian here. Pick a session that suits your schedule and register. You’ll receive an email with the Zoom link for that session.


Meet our business Librarian

Mimi Curlee is a 30-year reference librarian who has shown hundreds of business people how to use these databases for their specific needs. She will be glad to work with you to find data you can use for your business success. Sign up for a 1-on-1 video call here.

Share your Summer Break stories with us!

Share Your Story - Summer Break: Read, Learn, Explore

June 14, 2022

Each summer, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library encourages people of all ages to participate in our summer learning program, Summer Break. There are lots of reasons why! We think one of the best parts of Summer Break is hearing from participants about all the wonderful, little, powerful, or unexpected ways that the program has impacted their lives. Because of this, we thought it would be nice to have a giveaway for participants who share what they love about Summer Break with us.  

Big or Small – Share Your Summer Break Experience with Us 

One of the things customers share most frequently is how Summer Break fosters a love of reading. Have you found a great book this summer?  

Summer Break includes six activities in addition to reading such as create, explore, give, play, write, and new this year, Queen Charlotte. Has Summer Break inspired you to try a new hobby, play a game, or attend a concert or play? What virtual badge or activity has been your favorite this summer? Let us know about it! 


During Summer Break, the Library hosts a variety of programs both online and in person for all age groups. Have you attended any exciting, engaging, or helpful programs this summer? Let us know about it! 

Share your story of how Summer Break has impacted you this summer and get entered into a drawing to win a bag of books and Library swag. 


How to Share Your Story with Us 

Stories can be submitted in three ways: email us at [email protected], the Contact Us form on Beanstack, or fill out a Story of Impact form next time you visit the library. For an entry to be eligible for the drawing it must include an email address so the prize winner can be notified. Drawings will happen randomly throughout the summer until August 13, 2022

Queen Charlotte submitted a fabulous Story of Impact recently, “I’ve had a fabulous time participating in Summer Break this year! I love reading to my children and logging the reading we do together! They’ve all greatly enjoyed our nightly reading sessions! I also love the Queen Charlotte activities. What fun it’s been to visit my statue near ImaginOn and see my likeness in many of the libraries around Charlotte.”  

Comments? Questions? 

Are you having problems with the Summer Break 2022 website or your account?  Do you have questions about the program?  Feel free to chat with us online or email us at [email protected] for help or feedback. 

The 2022 Summer Break program is brought to you by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library with additional support from Wendy’s, Charlotte Football Club's Greater Goals and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation. 

Local professional actresses to portray real-life heroes and heroines of the suffragist movement in "Failure is Impossible."

Engage2020 presents a theatrical experience: "Failure is Impossible"

August 13, 2020

One hundred years ago this very month, women earned the right to vote.

In celebration of this epic moment in our nation’s history, the centennial of the 19th Amendment, Engage2020 presents a filmed theatrical performance for the whole family of the short play, Failure is Impossible.

Playwright Rosemary Knower was originally commissioned to write the script in 1995 for the 75th-anniversary commemoration at the National Archives. The piece uses eyewitness accounts and original documents—drawing in great detail and accuracy from the Congressional Record, personal letters within the government’s legislative records, petitions to Congress and archival sources (newspaper editorials, diaries, memoirs, etc.)—to provide a dramatized account of the debate for women’s suffrage. And what a debate it was.

To bring this struggle to life, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library’s Theatrical Training Team hired a team of talented local professional actresses (in fact, faces that Charlotte families might recognize from Children’s Theatre of Charlotte shows at ImaginOn) to portray real-life heroes and heroines of the suffragist movement such as Sojourner Truth, Abigail Adams, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frederick Douglass, Lucy Stone, and Susan B. Anthony.

This family-friendly, digital theatre experience supports the ongoing goal of Engage 2020: to connect the community in a conversation around the history of voting in the United States, past and current civic and social trends, as well as to spotlight the history of voting rights, particularly concerning women and women of color.

In this election year, the Library is partnering with the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) offering special programs like this—which received generous support from the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources’ "She Changed the World" project—to encourage everyone to look back at past accomplishments and to move forward with empowerment to make a difference in one's community. Learn more about Engage 2020 here.

We hope you enjoy the show and that it inspires youth and adults alike to join the conversation.



A child reads books from Charlotte Mecklenburg Library at home.

Go back to school with Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

August 17, 2020

August is here, and with this onset comes a brand-new school year, often with shiny school supplies, fresh uniforms, clothes and even a new pair of shoes if you’re lucky. For many of us this year, the back-to-school rush and necessities look different as school-age children will mostly return to school in a virtual setting. This presents new challenges. While you may not buy new uniforms or a new backpack this year, you still need to prepare for what’s ahead and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is here to support all your back to school needs.

Virtual Learning Opportunities

Did you know that the Library provides a multitude of virtual learning programs to enrich your child’s academic and social skills? The calendar is filled weekly with school-age programming you can enjoy from anywhere! If your child can’t make the live programs, you can find them archived online at your convenience. You’ll find many pre-recorded programs to enjoy too! Some sample program titles include: Make Your Own Animation, Magical Creature Book Talk and even Fireworks in a Glass. Invite your child to view our specialized content to elevate and extend their learning. Virtual programming is not limited to children in elementary schooler, it’s available for all age groups. Teens can join in writing groups, book clubs, trivia sessions and gaming sessions such Dungeons and Dragons. While you get into your back-to-school routine, be sure to join a group and meet new friends.

ONE Access and Curated Lists by Grade Level

Every child in the Charlotte Mecklenberg School system can use their student ID number as their Library card number – this is called a ONE Access ID number (the pin number is your child’s birth year). Yes, you heard that right! It’s called ONE Access, or One Number Equals Access, and it makes it very convenient for your child to place books on hold or check out digital resources. Our Library staff have even created curated lists for students to read by grade level. Check them out here: Elementary, Middle and High School. Your child’s ONE Access ID number doesn’t just limit them to books. There are many e-resources to utilize such as Tutor.com (up to 10 free, live homework tutoring sessions each week), Mango Languages (learn a new language) and Freegal music (for any planned or unplanned dance party breaks!). The possibilities are endless with free learning resources offered through your Library.

Educational Support

The Library is committed to improving lives and building a stronger community – a lofty goal as evidenced by our commitment to programming and helping your child prepare for their next step beyond high school. Library branches offer one-on-one weekly virtual appointments with teens to discuss how to successfully plan for the future. Library staff members can connect your high schooler with resources to plan for a potential job or college process, including financial aid and scholarship opportunities. One-on-one virtual appointments are available daily for elementary schoolers as well for Reading Buddies, tutoring and enrichment! Feel back-to-school ready knowing your local Library will support your child’s learning beyond the (virtual) classroom.

Parent Learning Opportunities

Getting ready for the start of a new school year is not limited to children. Parents and caregivers can get back-to-school ready by learning something new too! Virtual caregiver classes are offered for a variety of age levels (children ages 2-5, students in grades K-5). Learn how to read WITH your child, and improve your child’s language, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Classes are also offered on how to access our digital Library resources for virtual learning. Build your confidence and meet other caregivers just like you- we're all in this together!

While the return to school this year presents new challenges, it also presents new opportunities. Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is prepared to meet this challenge with you, fully equipped and ready to provide you and your school-age child with an opportunity to learn and grow. Take advantage of the opportunities that await you and your children this school year!  


This blog was written by Elyse Berrier of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Thank you to all of our customer for participating in the double Summer Break challenge!

Thank you for participating in the double Summer Break challenge

August 17, 2020

Thank you for participating in the double Summer Break challenge for 2020! We hope you enjoyed your experience with our new website through Beanstack.

We’ll be sending out a survey in a few weeks asking for feedback, and we would love to hear from you! If you have a great story about how participating in Summer Break helped you or your family this summer, please share this with us! We would love to hear inspiring stories of how reading and learning makes a difference in your lives.

Your Reading Makes A Difference!

Many of you may have noticed that you earned a “Giving Makes the World Go Round Badge.” Participants earn this badge when they reach 15 hours of reading in each Summer Break challenge.

Every summer, the Library gives back to the community by donating books to a local organization in need. This year’s recipient will be Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is happy to donate to CMS and we are thankful the school system will accept the contributions.  


Summer Break: Reading Takes You Everywhere Prize Pickup Is Underway!

Remember, participants have until Saturday, September 26th to claim and pick up prizes while supplies last.

The registration prize of a FREE Wendy's Jr. Frosty coupon can be picked up at any library.

For completion prizes, customers must call 704-416-7200 to claim their prize before visiting a library. Staff can assist them with their accounts and any questions as well as give them the next steps to get their prize. Customers who earn a Wendy’s Jr. Frosty coupon do not need to call the line above to claim, just visit any Charlotte Mecklenburg Library branch.


What are the completion prizes?

Participants in Summer Break: Reading Takes You Everywhere earn a completion prize when they achieve 600 points.


Completion prizes are:

  • Babies/children: a book
  • Teens: choice of a book or doodle notebook
  • Adults: A Library tote bag


All prizes are first-come, first-serve while supplies last.


Ella Howard is an avid lover and user of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Finding representation and inspiration at the Library

August 19, 2020

"This was my favorite storytime because you look like me!” Ella exclaimed. “And the girls we read about look like me."

In a world where little Black girls don’t often see themselves reflected in mainstream media and art, something special happened on June 19, 2020. That something was when Tiffany Howard’s eldest daughter felt represented through literature and connected with her University City Regional Library Reading Buddy, Annese.

 As the world continues to turn, caught somewhere between reeling and reviving itself from the coronavirus pandemic, the Howard family, like many Charlotte Mecklenburg Library customers, find themselves pivoting to new, virtual ways to enjoy their neighborhood Library. For Tiffany, the gratitude runs deep.

A Charlotte native, psychologist for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, wife and mother to two growing and glowing girls, Ella and Zora (a third grader and first grader, respectively), Tiffany recalls the impact the public library had on shaping her own love for reading while providing her access to an additional education. “The library has always been important to me,” said Howard. “I was excited to pick up books that I’d read while sitting under the cart while my mom did her grocery shopping,” she added.

Literacy and learning weren’t reserved solely for visits to her beloved North Branch Public Library (which opened in 1957 and served the Beatties Ford Road neighborhood) or trips to the grocery store. Reading was also important in her home and to her family. Even her brother would find delight in reading all the books on their great grandmother’s bookshelf. For Tiffany, reading was about self-discovery, and it still is. “We are intentional about finding books that represent our girls, our family, their beauty and our culture,” she said.

Today, Tiffany advocates for public libraries as vital, cultural institutions that provide integral resources to the communities they serve – resources from which she and her family continue to benefit. “We started with baby storytime, then we’d go afterschool to check out books,” she said. “Next, we moved to the Reading Buddies program in person and, now, online,” she added.

To others in the community, Tiffany finds herself recommending Library resources – from digital to programming to events, including storytimes, ABCmouse digital resource, the ONE Access program for CMS students and cultural events like the Library’s Black History Month Literary Festival. At that festival in February 2020, Ella received a custom drawing of herself from illustrator Gordon C. James, which is now displayed in her room. Tiffany also attended an Active Reading training a few years ago, which helped her husband develop skills to actively read with their daughters, further deepening their appreciation for library services.

Tiffany sees libraries as equalizers: they are a place for everyone, from all walks of life, and a space to learn and to belong. “Education is the most important tool to change the world and the library makes that possible for all,” she stated. “Libraries promote language, literacy, learning and more.”

Tiffany describes her daughters as artsy and creative and believes one of the most important things she can leave them with is a passion for reading and a legacy of learning. “It feels good, as a parent and an educator, to know that even when school is out my girls want to go to the Library,” she said.

As for the Reading Buddy session from June, Tiffany said Ella was grateful for the interaction, one-on-one time and the opportunity to see herself represented in a whole new way. “It made her feel special to talk to someone who selected a book and took time to read with her – who just so happened to look like her, too.”



This blog was written by Asha Ellison of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.

Stay connected while staying home with virtual programming from the Library.

Virtual Programming from the Library - Week of 8/24/20

August 20, 2020

Did you know that you can continue to stay connected to the Library while staying home? How would you like to participate in a virtual storytime with your family or receive resume help all from the comfort of your couch? Join Charlotte Mecklenburg Library every week for a wide range of virtual programming for children, teens and adults. See a complete listing of this upcoming programming for the week of 8/24/2020 below. Click the corresponding links for more information and register for programs where applicable.

Learn more about online programming by clicking here

Monday 8/24

Virtual Reading Buddies – 9 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn more

Online Listen and Move Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children’s programming)   register

Remote Learning 101: Library Resources to Enhance Your Child's Learning – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Mindful Mondays – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian – Technology – 2 p.m. (Adult programming) register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Traditional Storytelling – 3 p.m. (Children’s programming)  learn more

Stronger Together: Support for your Job Search – 4 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Podcast Discussion Club – 7 p.m. (Adult programming) register


Tuesday 8/25            

Virtual Reading Buddies – 9 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Cuentos Virtuales en Español - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  learn more

Getting Started with Microsoft Word – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12:30 p.m. (Adult programming) register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

Story Explorers Enrichment – 2 p.m. (Children's programming)  learn more

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register


Wednesday 8/26

Virtual Reading Buddies – 9 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Online Listen and Move Storytime – 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children's programming)  register

Poetry in Pajamas – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Teens LIVE on Instagram: Your Voice Matters – 5 p.m. (Teen programming)  learn more

Learning Circle: The 1619 Project – 6 p.m. (Adult programming)  register


Thursday 8/27

Virtual Reading Buddies – 9 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  Learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)    register

Cuentos Virtuales en Español - 10:30 a.m. (Children's programming)  learn more

Book a Librarian - Business Research – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)    register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment - 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Career Development Intensive Coaching – 12:30 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Caregiver Class: Active Reading Training for Caregivers of K-3 Students – 2 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Learning Circle: Foundations of Mindfulness – 3 p.m. (Adult programming) register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book Talk: Children's – 3 p.m. (Children's programming)  learn more

Caregiver Class: Active Reading Comprehension Strategies for Upper Elementary – 6 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Teens LIVE on Instagram: Eco-Minimalism – 6 p.m. (Teen programming)   learn more


Friday 8/28

Virtual Reading Buddies – 9 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Baby Storytime – 10:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)   learn more

Meal Prepping and Planning Made Easy – 11 a.m. (Adult programming)  register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 11 a.m. (Children's programming)   register

Mindful Friday - Meditation for Wellness – 12 p.m. (Adult programming)  register

Learning Circle: How to Be an LGBT+ Ally – 1 p.m. (Adult programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 1 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 2 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Book a Librarian - Technology – 2 p.m.   register

One-on-One Tutoring and Enrichment – 2:30 p.m. (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 3 p.m.  (Children's programming)   register


Saturday 8/29

Family Storytime – 9:30 a.m.  (Children's programming)  Learn more

Virtual Reading Buddies – 10 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register

Virtual Reading Buddies – 11 a.m.  (Children's programming)   register


Discover the top five audiobooks that Charlotte Mecklenburg Library customers are streaming this month.

The top five self-help audiobooks for self exploration

August 20, 2020

During this time of uncertainty, many of us are looking at ways to improve ourselves internally. Hoopla has a great selection of self-help audiobooks to help you on your journey. Here are the top five that Charlotte Mecklenburg Library customers have been streaming this month. Discover these titles and so much more. All you need is your Charlotte Mecklenburg Library card or One Access ID number!

Learn more about hoopla and checkout limits here. Need a library card?  Sign up here.

Click here to find the self-help audiobooks below in the Library catalog.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear-A Summary/Read by Best Self Audio (2019)
Learn how you can apply the main lessons & principles from Atomic habits: An Easy & Prove Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones in a quick, easy listen!  Run time: 56 minutes

Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad/Read by Author (2020)  
Me and White Supremacy teaches readers how to dismantle the privilege within themselves. Run time: 5 hours and 20 minutes

The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown/Read by Author (2012)
The author dispels the cultural myth that vulnerability is weakness and reveals that it is, in truth, our most accurate measure of courage. Run time: 6 hours and 31 minutes

How to Win Friends and Influence People: A Condensation From the Book by Dale Carnegie/Read by Jason McCoy (2019)
Learning to relate to people in the ways Carnegie instructs will help you personally as well as professionally. This is a condensation of the original book. Run time: 43 minutes.

The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile/Read by Ian Morgan Cron (2016)
In The Road Back To You the authors forge a unique approach, a practical, comprehensive way of accessing Enneagram wisdom and exploring its connections with Christian spirituality for a deeper knowledge of God and of ourselves. Run 9 hours and 18 minutes.


This blog was written by Serena Guest of Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library offers curated book lists and personal reading lists to help you find your next favor read.

Find your next favorite read at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

August 25, 2020

Have you wanted to read up on inclement weather patterns, pandemics throughout history or indulge in a good mystery? Maybe you’re in the mood for romance, need clean, teen reads or want to educate yourself on issues facing the LGBTQIA+ community. Whatever your interests are, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library has a book list for you.

Staff work throughout the year to compile and update lists in the Library’s online catalog system so customers don’t have to look hard for what they need. Book list topics range from anything to almost everything. To view the Library’s book lists, complete the following steps:









  • Sign into your Library Bibliocommons account or search as a guest
  • Select LIST from the SEARCH BY drop-down menu. Make sure you are searching the CATALOG.






  • In the search bar,  complete a search using “CMLibrary" to pull results specific to Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.  You can also search using "CMLibrary suggests” or by using a hashtag (#) search such as #cmlibrary. You will also want to include a keyword in your search for the topic you’re interested in (for this    example, we’re searching for books about dogs). Click the magnifying glass symbol to the right of the box to complete the search and return results



If the Library’s Bibliocommons lists leave you longing for more, you can opt for something a bit more personal: a curated list of reading recommendations made just for you!

That’s right. In addition to book lists, you can submit a request for a Personal Reading List by filling out this form and our online Readers’ Advisory team will put together a list of reading suggestions that will be sent directly to your email account. You can access this page by completing the following steps:









  • On the SERVICES page, click FIND YOUR NEXT READ under “Additional services include:”

  • Fill out and submit the form on the FIND YOUR NEXT READ page. Please ensure the email address you provide for this service is accurate.*













*Note: Your Personal Reading List will be sent to the email you provide within 3-5 business days. You can use your list to check out books from your local branch or download an e-book or e-audiobook from cmlibrary.org.

Finding your next favorite read at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is easy with the options listed above.

Digital Reading Resources

The Library also has several great digital resources to help you find new reading materials as well:

Books and Authors

Books and Authors is a literary collection that lets you browse by character, subject, location and time period.


Novelist Plus

NoveList provides reading recommendations for fiction and nonfiction materials for adults, teens, tweens (ages 9-12) and children (ages 0-8).


Teen Book Finder

Find great recommended books from YALSA's (Young Adult Library Services Association) award, book, and media lists! Search 4,000+ books, audiobooks, and films from YALSA's book awards and book lists.


Need a Library card to start borrowing items? Get a Library card here.

Happy reading!


This blog was updated on June 29, 2021.