Sugar Creek Library will close at 7p.m. on July 2 for maintenance and re-open at 9a.m. on July 3.

All Library locations and book drops will be closed on July 4.  

Job Help

The Job Help Center is ready to assist you in your job search. We have experienced staff to assist with formatting resumes and searching for jobs. We also offer books on careers, online guides to resume writing, computer classes, regular programs of interest to job seekers, and an online job board that is updated daily. Job Help Centers are available at  Allegra Westbrooks Regional and Sugar Creek Library. West Boulevard is an upcoming Job Help Center.

Upcoming Job Help Events

Job & Career Online Resources

Getting Started in Entrepreneurship

Resume Builder

File for Unemployment

Are you out of work? You are not alone. In these challenging times, the Library provides access to county and city resources for the out-of-work and disadvantaged. If you have lost your job due to a layoff, downsizing or other event, you may be eligible to receive unemployment insurance. 

Visit the job board